Flow 3d V10 Crack [VERIFIED] 12 💥
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Flow 3d V10 Crack 12
in the experiment, a visual crack was formed in a horizontal glass plate, and a nitrogen foam was injected into the crack. the pressure gradient between the inlet and the outlet of the crack was recorded. meanwhile, the foam microstructure was monitored using a digital microscopic imaging system. after the foam flow was stabilized, the crack was compressed with a plate, as shown in fig. 13.
the profile of friction force f fr as function of ca is shown in fig. 13. for a foam with pure sdbs, friction force of foam first increased with increasing ca and then decreased to a constant value. the physical reason of the phenomenon is the film rupture of foam due to high pressure gradient. the film rupture is mainly the result of the combination of two processes: one is the bubble-bubble interaction and the other is the bubble-wall interaction. as the ca increased, the film rupture became easier due to the higher pressure gradient. a high ca could increase the probability of the bubble-bubble interaction. in this case, the interfaces between bubbles, are less smooth and the film structure will be destroyed by the bubble-bubble interaction. on the other hand, the bubble-wall interaction also caused film rupture. the film rupture could be divided into three stages: one is the initial film rupture due to the bubble-wall interaction, the second stage is the film rupture due to the bubble-bubble interaction, and the third stage is the film rupture due to the bubble-wall interaction. for the foam with 0.25wt% sio2 nanoparticles, friction force of foam first increased with increasing ca and then decreased to a constant value. this result could be explained by the nanoparticles adsorbing at the gasliquid interface and forming a dense layer with thickness ranging from 1 to 2 nm, which hindered the film rupture. as the ca increased, the film rupture of the foam became difficult and the friction force of foam decreased. with the addition of 1.00wt% sio2 nanoparticles, the friction force of foam decreased significantly. meanwhile, the friction force could not be fitted into the power-low function with the addition of the nanoparticles. the reason is that the adsorption of nanoparticles on the bubble surface changes the surface tension of foam and leads to a surface tension gradient along the film. in this case, the surfaces between bubbles have more long-range interaction and the film thickness will be less than the case with the pure surfactant. thus, the film rupture is not caused by the bubble-bubble interaction. the film rupture is mainly the result of the bubble-wall interaction for the foam with the addition of nanoparticles. thus, the slope of friction force is less than the foam with the pure surfactant. for a foam with 0.50wt% sio2 nanoparticles, the friction force of foam decreased with increasing ca and then increased to a constant value. this result was due to the roughness of the core cracks. in this case, the friction force of foam decreased with increasing ca. to evaluate the effect of the crack roughness, the friction factor was calculated as 4 from the friction force ratio between the core crack and the capillary tube. the results are shown in fig. 14. the friction factor of foam decreased with increasing roughness. the reason of this phenomenon is that the crack roughness can decrease the friction force due to the smaller film thickness of the foam with the crack. the film thickness of the foam with the core crack was reduced by almost half of that of the foam in a capillary tube. the smaller film thickness leads to a lower friction force.
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