MaxDIR makes all of this simple with one easy command. DI.EXE. MaxDIR shows you a directory of files, alphabetized and colored by file type, and in 4 columns, which utilizes the entire screen to show you up to 200 file  at a time.
Since you’ll know what the color is for each file type, and you’ll know they are alphabet ized, you can look at a directory listing and instantly find what you are looking for. Also, MaxDIR shows each file’s size, which makes it even more useful.
MaxDIR shows you Bytes Free on the disk, the Disk Type, the space used by the files listed, and, it shows how much of your disk the files actually used, by looking at «Cluster» sizes and then calculating the actual space «consumed» by each file, which it totals for you at the bottom of the listing.
MaxDIR shows you how many files there are, how many directories there are, and the percentage full of the disk, along with the other standard information. It also allows you to tailor the listing to your tastes by using Command switches. For instance, if you don’t want color, just type di /c and press Enter. To get a listing of all available command switches, type di /?. The rest is simple.
Get MaxDIR and give it a try to fully assess its capabilities!







MaxDIR License Keygen Download For PC

MaxDIR Crack is an effective and easy-to-use file manager, directory browser, and disk-space analyzer.
It is a great tool to have if you are looking for information about one or more files or directories.
It is designed to be easy-to-use for anyone, and no special Windows configuration is needed.
MaxDIR makes all of this simple with one easy command. If you simply type di /?, MaxDIR shows you all the available command switches, which make MaxDIR extremely powerful.
MaxDIR can also help you find and manipulate files, and can analyze disk space usage. MaxDIR doesn’t bog you down with unnecessary options.
MaxDIR provides a set of commands that allows you to quickly get information about files or folders. These include:
Command Description
di /f View file
di /d View directory
di /u View unreadable files
di /c view directory in text mode
di /f /? View file in text mode
di /d /? View directory in text mode
di /f /e Enable/disable extended file properties
di /c /d View directory


The KEYMACRO Macro allows for Fast Keyboard Entry of commands into max, very simple, and it comes with more than enough documentation to get you started.
Double Click on maxmac.exe and follow the instructions.
Type di /? for details.
Command Switch:
/C – Number of Characters in a line. Default = 100.
/D – Number of words in a paragraph. Default = 50.
/H – Number of headings in a listing. Default = 4.
/A – Number of characters in a character group. Default = 25.
/N – Number of characters in a line. Default = 50.
/Z – Displays a percentage of the total diskspace used by the files on the current drive. Default = 30.
/F – Provides a listing of all files on the current drive. Default = true.
/O – Optional. Provides a listing of all files and directories on the current drive. Default = true.
/P –

MaxDIR Crack +

MaxDIR is an ASCII filelisting program written in the DOS C language. Its purpose is to list the contents of directories and sub-directories. It can list files and/or sub-directories (i.e., folders). MaxDIR shows disk usage, disk type, file size, and file and directory name.

You can download MaxDIR from the Internet at:



The free tool you’re looking for is the excellent Gendex Disk Usage.


Disk Inventory X is a commercial program that will tell you what is on a disk and how it’s laid out, as well as how much space is left.


Expected value of a CDF with Bernoulli distribution

$X$ is a random variable with $P(X=1)=p$ and $P(X=-1)=q=1-p$. I would like to find the expected value of
$$Y=P(X=-1) \int_{ -1}^{0} (-1) x dF(x) + p \int_{0}^{1} x dF(x)$$
where $F(x)$ is a CDF with Bernoulli distribution.
I can’t figure out how to compute the integrals, but the book says it equals $\frac{2}{3}p(1-q)$ (for $p

What’s New In?

System Requirements For MaxDIR:

Supported OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon XP 2200 or later
Memory: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Hard Disk: 2 GB available space
DirectX: Version 9.0c (compatible with DirectX 9.0c)
Additional Notes:
Microsoft is committed to your privacy. In accordance with the terms of the Agreement for Licensed Products, any information collected by a licensed product is treated as non-confidential

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