Keep a cash bank. Yard sales deal in cold, hard cash, so you will need plenty of change on hand to last you the day. Assume that the bulk of the sales will be paid in twenty dollar bills, so you will need a substantial amount of return change. To keep things simple, you may wish to eliminate any cents, rounding the price tags to whole numbers only. Your change should be locked in a mobile strong box, and taken with you should you need to walk away for a few minutes.
One of the best places to find a car fender cover for a vintage or antique car is the local lincoln mark 8. If there is a car that has been discarded in the junkyard, you might be lucky enough to find out a fender cover here.
I really enjoyed getting ready for our move and proudly displayed all the boxes I packed up and filled with my stuff in one corner of the garage. I thought my parents would be thrilled with my efforts, but they were more concerned about getting rid of all the ‘good junk’ that had been brought to us over the years. Moving day was approaching and it was crunch time. After packing up all of the stuff we were taking with us, we brain-stormed on how to get rid of the rest. That would not be an easy task because my grandparents would be around and wonder why we were not taking all their wonderful finds with us.
So where can you find salvage WWII vehicles? I doubt you will be able to go to your local junk yard and find a old WWII vehicle. These trucks and cars are most certainly long gone. The junk yard are able to get too much of a payoff from these metals to have them just sit around. No, I bet the best place to find these vehicles are in private yards.
Once you have the title in hand and the car is cleaned out, take it to the salvage yard. If it cannot drive, ask if they would be willing to tow it, or arrange for towing. When you arrive with the car, you will be offered a final sale price after the employees inspect it. Be prepared to negotiate, because this is expected. If you are happy with the price, accept it and sign the title over. You will then turn over the car and the keys and be on your way, no longer worrying about that old junker in your yard.
The Garbage Scow Commander: This driver constantly throws garbage out of their windows. It could be a pop bottle, cigarette butt, or even a pair of shoes. Have you ever seen a pair of old shoes along a highway? I always wondered how these shoes found their way onto the roadside. They probably fell off of a garbage scow. Proceed with caution or you may end up with a newspaper on your hood.