With a long history behind it, years of experience and thousands of users worldwide, Photoshop is, without a doubt, the industry standard when it comes to photo manipulation and graphic design. In fact, its popularity is so widespread that its name became a verb, much like Google. It is habitual to say that an image has been “photoshopped”, which in the urban dictionary means that it was edited or manipulated, no matter the image editor that was used. Photoshop's popularity relies on its versatility and its impressive feature set, which meets the requirements of professional photographers and artists, advertising specialists and graphic designers. Amazing results can be achieved once Photoshop’s capabilities are mastered and explored to their highest potential. Creativity and imagination are the only limits Photoshop delivers a plethora of tools for image manipulation, while making no compromise on quality whatsoever. Its toolbox includes an overwhelming collection of image editing features both for raster images and vector graphics. As expected with such a powerful and comprehensive application, it requires time, exercise, experimentation and practice to master, perhaps a significant amount of time spent watching tutorials and viewing usage examples to use at full potential. But once mastered, the rich graphics and the astounding images that can be obtained in Photoshop make it all worth it. Give your photos a stunning, eye-catching look Layer-based editing is at the core of Photoshop, allowing image creation and manipulation using multiple overlays. Masks, filters, shadows and various other effects can be added to a layer. With smart auto-correction capabilities, HDR imaging, color management tools, tons of effects and animations, there is no editing task that Photoshop cannot carry out. It allows you to change picture backgrounds and fix imperfections, or use effects and colors to make a photo be much more eye-catching. It is not just editing tools that you have at hand, but also various drawing tools that bring you close to the real experience of painting in watercolor, spray-painting on a wall and achieve effects that you might not thought can be obtained in the digital world. Moreover, neural filters allow you to color a scene with a few clicks, combine landscapes to create collages or a new scenery and change face expressions in your photos. And, if that is not enough, the application’s functionality can be further extended using new plugins available both inside the application and in Creative Cloud. Presenting the Photoshop family It is worth mentioning that the Photoshop family includes mobile tools that work together to provide a comprehensive and unmatched image manipulation suite. Photoshop Lightroom offers powerful image editing tools, Photoshop Express is the mobile Photoshop client that can be used on the go, while the Photoshop Camera is an app that allows capturing high-quality photos. Needless to say, Photoshop seamlessly integrates with other of Adobe’s products, allowing you to import content from Illustrator, for instance. The go-to image editing and manipulation software Photoshop is the emblematic application when it comes to photo editing, managing to challenge your creativity and design skills, while providing the tools and the functionality needed to obtain incredible art and amazing graphics. Thanks to its clever selection tools, its professional-grade editing toolbox and its team collaboration and sharing options, Photoshop’s recognition as the industry standard has, indeed, a solid foundation.
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* **Draw:** You can use the program to draw, create, and define text. It works much like a digital pen. Flicker Inc. describes the Draw tool as follows: «Choose the Tool Options area to add a new tool. You can select either the Ink Sketch or Line tools or the Brush tool to draw your path. Choose the Shape tool (Shift+RMB) to access a menu of shape and text tools for drawing circle, ellipse, polygon, and rectangle. To add a path, choose the Line tool. Start drawing. To create a new object, choose the path menu from the Tools Options area (see Figure 3-2). The Paths palette shows the current path you are drawing.» Figure 3-2. Use the Pen tool to draw lines and curves. You can add fills by choosing the right tool in the Options bar (shown here). Figure 3-3. The basic Paint Bucket tool can move, copy, or delete any area of the photo. The Delete key is your best friend. Press and hold the Ctrl key (Windows) or the key (Mac OS X) to make copies of selected areas. To apply a preset color, click the eyedropper icon ( ) and then click on the image. Use these additional tips to help you get the most out of your Photoshop experience: * The Paint Bucket tool ( on Windows or on Mac OS X) lets you select a color, move it over the selected area, and then click to fill it. You can also click the eye icon ( on Windows) to use one of the presets. * The Magic Wand tool ( on Windows or on Mac) enables you to automatically select an area of a photo that contains pixels with a particular color. Magic Wand is available in all three modes (color, black & white, and grayscale). * The Color Range tool ( on Windows or on Mac) enables you to select a color in the image and then see all the colors that contain it. It can be used to pick out the color in an image that’s being reproduced in another color, or to find areas of an image with a similar color to a color in another image. * If your image has layers, then make layers. (For more on layers, see Chapter 11.) Select the Layer panel menu and choose New Layer. You can then use
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The latest version of Photoshop, Photoshop CS6, was released nearly 5 years ago. That’s long overdue. While Photoshop is used by millions of designers and professionals, it’s still one of the most complex and confusing software applications in use today. A bad Photoshop user experience is something you will probably encounter. If Photoshop is the only software you are using, you need to know the best way to master it. The main features of Photoshop are called the Photoshop Elements version. There is also a paid and a free version of Photoshop (depending on where you live). We don’t include links to support pages, because they’re obvious. If you want to know more about Photoshop or other Adobe products, check out: Lastly, the Windows version of Photoshop is available on the Adobe website, but we’ll be taking a look at using Photoshop on macOS and Linux. If you’re a seasoned Photoshop user, skip to the end of this article for tips and tricks. Windows Overview The Windows version of Photoshop doesn’t have the user experience of the other versions. It runs on top of a Windows shell, which is a shame because Windows is often criticized for its easy-to-troll users. We like to focus on the Photoshop Elements version for Windows because it’s less likely to be used on a daily basis. Workflows Working with Photoshop Elements on Windows is much like working with the Mac version, but with fewer features. This means that Photoshop Elements is also easier to master. Because Windows is such a popular operating system, Photoshop on Windows has a huge user base. This makes it much more difficult for Photoshop to innovate and improve at a fast enough pace. Adobe didn’t replace the Windows interface because it would cause too much confusion. Instead, they created an interface that is still easy to use, but with fewer features than the Mac version. Because of the new interface, working with Photoshop on Windows has a workflow that is much less intuitive. It takes a lot more learning. Note: Photoshop elements does support Microsoft Office documents, but not all operations are supported. We aren’t going to cover that very much in this tutorial, as it’s not the focus of this article. Spot Healing Brush Photoshop Elements doesn’t have the Spot Healing Brush feature, but we’ve covered 388ed7b0c7
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Acute ulcerative colitis: a multicenter, prospective, double-blind trial of 5-aminosalicylic acid and pentoxifylline. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of pentoxifylline (PTX) in the treatment of acute ulcerative colitis. A total of 24 patients were admitted to our clinic with an attack of acute ulcerative colitis. Twelve patients were given 10 gm/d of PTX and 12 patients were given placebo in a randomized double-blind fashion. Patient assessments were made before and after a 4-week course of treatment and included a visual analog scale, a rectal inflammation score, an endoscopy score, a bowel transit time measurement and a weekly symptom assessment. At 4 weeks, patients who received PTX had significantly less inflammation at endoscopy (p To be honest, we only needed to read a small piece of the book and I’d already realised it was a successful work of a rare American brand of translation: the entire middle part of the book was brilliant. I was therefore naturally especially happy to have this one and to meet the author, Anna Vallauri. It so happened that Anna visited Siena last August, and we managed to get her to stop for a while and tell us about some aspects of this striking place, or at least all about the author’s impressions. Anna, tell us a little about yourself I am a designer from Rome. A year ago, I moved to Siena with my husband, Marco, and a year ago our daughter, Lucia, was born. I grew up here, with all the traditions of Sienese life, and we decided to move back. How did you become interested in Siena? I had the
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[An unusual case of tuberculous prostatism treated with Erlotinib as a neoadjuvant chemotherapy]. Tuberculous prostatism is a rare condition which may mimic other tumors or cancer and induce a late diagnosis. It is often resistant to medical treatment. The aim of our study is to present a case of tuberculous prostatism treated by Erlotinib which made a complete resolution. A 64-year-old male with a progressive prostate tumor, mimicking prostate cancer, with no urinary symptoms and an abnormal PSA (0.7 g/L) was referred to our urology department. The prostate tissue was sampled by transrectal biopsy which yielded positive results for acid-fast bacilli, and histological, bacteriological and molecular investigations confirmed the diagnosis of prostatitis due to mycobacterium tuberculosis. The patient underwent a neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Erlotinib. Nine months later, the patient had complete resolution of the tumor and PSA values remained within the normal range. The neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Erlotinib was efficient in our patient. It may be an alternative to traditional antituberculous drugs because it is less toxic. using their favorite thing to do with their kids, and the places they do it. We went to the zoo. There was a mama elk, with her two babies, and a little mama fawn. My sister watched for a bit and then got distracted, so I helped Jasper with some bubble building stuff, and then it was time to go. I wore my yellow outfit for my first day with the girlies. It was a good thing I never put my other yellow shirt out, because I went to bed wearing it. I am not sure if this is what was on my mind, but I knew I wanted to wear something yellow today. I had a few ideas for our family Halloween (Witches, Ghosts, and Fae) and then all of a sudden I remembered a picture I had seen, of a family of witches, dressed up as a witch family. Well, they even had a little baby, and I knew I wanted to make one for Halloween. I asked my oldest sister what she thought the kids would wear, and she suggested a witch hat and a red dress. My oldest daughter is starting Pre-K classes this week, and she wanted to dress up as a princess. I asked her if a dress would be too short, and
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