Astrospheremcpmb072415boarddiagram [PATCHED]

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Hey guys. sorry for late reply. It was a holiday and some other stuff. Of course, I’m still active on BlackBerrytracker. I was out of TouchBLox, I guess. I’m back on its place for now. So, if you need me there or have any other queries, feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I’m more than happy to answer you. I hope you enjoy it. If there is a way to help you out, let me know. Thanks for your feedback. Regards MichaelQ: Problems with converting SQL query to MySQLi I have written the following SQL query, which I think will give me a small problem: SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(date, ‘%m-%d-%Y’) FROM (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date, ‘%m-%d-%Y’) AS date FROM Orders) AS t; But when I try to convert this to MySQLi, then I get errors: $date = $_GET[‘date’]; $date = mysql_real_escape_string($date); $results = $db->query(«SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(‘$date’,’%m-%d-%Y’) FROM (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(‘$date’,’%m-%d-%Y’) AS date FROM Orders) AS t;» ); I am not sure what is wrong, but I think that my problem is the double quote. A: Just wrap it all in single quotes: $results = $db->query(«SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(date, ‘%m-%d-%Y’) FROM (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date, ‘%m-%d-%Y’) AS date FROM Orders) AS t;» ); You’ll also need to add a delimiter though, since you’re missing it from your SQL. You should specify your own delimiter in your connection options, otherwise you’ll have to explicitly specify it with every string in your query: $db->set_charset(«utf8»); $db->query(«SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(‘$date’,’%m-%d-%Y’) FROM (SELECT DATE_FORMAT

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A: It looks like your step 2 didn’t actually work. You need to apply the patch directly to the project containing the compiled type library. You may have to browse through your directories to find it. See this detailed answer for examples, and this excellent page that breaks it down. Hope that helps! NEW DELHI: The Uttar Pradesh government has directed district magistrates to examine the caste makeup of the state’s students in government schools to ensure they are being taught in the prescribed manner, official documents accessed by TOI show. «Inspectors should be empowered to conduct on-the-spot checks and not wait for a complaint and the matter be probed by the district magistrate. This should be done in all government schools. New Delhi will do that but UP government did not,» said an official who has been assisting the government in the framing of the SC/ST Empowerment Rules. The measure comes amid rising resentment against the minority community among the Hindu society over the seemingly skewed academic performance of the SC/ST students in government schools. As per data accessed, only 36% of students in UP are scheduled castes while 27% are minorities – Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Sikhs – and 11% are adivasis or tribals. The CM is also planning to use his allotted budget of Rs 1,500 crore to start an anti-caste movement by promoting Jana Jagaran, or a nation-wide campaign against caste discrimination. The CM would also start this campaign in other parts of the country soon. Read this story in Bengali In Video: UP government to check caste makeup of government schools studentsQ: VBA: Run-time error «Run-time error ’96’: Object variable or With block variable not set» I am trying to extract the data for a group of cells in an Excel worksheet into a two-dimensional array. The rows are already sorted alphabetically and the columns are already numbered. (This is based on A, AA, AB,…, ZZ) I think that a direct VBA assignment of a cell to an array may be an inefficient solution as I will have to offset the array later on to the next available block of data. The point of the code below is to tell what block I am in. If I run the code below, I get a «Run-time error ’96’: Object variable or With block variable not

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