First you need to decide what type of job you are going to look for when working from home. It is important that you find a job that will allow some flexibility for you. After all this is probably partially…
First you need to decide what type of job you are going to look for when working from home. It is important that you find a job that will allow some flexibility for you. After all this is probably partially…
In the early stages, you have no plans yet. Spend more time observing market trends. I like to read news and trade journals to help me spot profitable niches. Don’t strike off any niches. Some niches don’t seem like they…
Age – Are you looking for a puppy, a young dog, adult, or senior? Each is wonderful and comes with its own specific requirements. Puppies are fun but a ton of work. Young dogs will need serious training. And an…
If your collection is real valuable, consider hiring a pro -this has the added advantage of having a witness who can provide another layer of third-party documentation -perhaps even a dated and notarized statement as to what he or she…