How to Download Internet Cafe Simulator PC Highly Compressed

Do you want to play Internet Cafe Simulator, a realistic and fun simulation game where you can build and manage your own internet cafe? Do you want to save some space on your hard drive or SSD by compressing the game files without losing performance or quality? If you answered yes to both questions, then this article is for you. In this article, you will learn what Internet Cafe Simulator is, why you should compress PC games, how to compress PC games with CompactGUI, and some tips and tricks for playing Internet Cafe Simulator. Let’s get started!

What is Internet Cafe Simulator?

A brief introduction to the game and its features

Internet Cafe Simulator is an internet cafe business simulation game developed and published by Cheesecake Dev. The game was released on Steam in October 2019 and has received mostly positive reviews from players. In the game, you can set up and manage a comprehensive workplace within the game. There are many activities and people you can interact with in the city. You can buy new computers, install games and applications, charge customers, hire staff, upgrade your equipment, expand your business, and more. You can also do illegal work if you want, but be careful of the consequences. The game offers a lot of freedom and customization for your internet cafe.

The benefits of compressing PC games

PC games nowadays tend to have large file sizes, which can take up a lot of space on your storage drive. This can affect your performance, loading times, and backup options. One way to solve this problem is to compress PC games using a tool that reduces the size of the game files without affecting their functionality or quality. By compressing PC games, you can save space on your drive, improve your performance, speed up your loading times, and make backups easier. However, not all compression tools are created equal. Some may cause compatibility issues, performance drops, or corrupted files. That’s why you need a reliable and efficient tool like CompactGUI.

How to Compress PC Games with CompactGUI

What is CompactGUI and how does it work?

CompactGUI is a free and open-source tool that allows you to compress PC games using the CompactOS function in Windows 10. CompactOS is a highly efficient compression algorithm that Microsoft introduced in Windows 10 to reduce the size of system files. CompactGUI lets you use this algorithm on any folder you want, including game folders. CompactGUI works by creating a compressed version of the game files that still show up in Explorer as normal files. When you run the game, Windows will automatically decompress the files on the fly without any noticeable impact on performance or quality. CompactGUI also lets you choose from four different compression levels depending on your preference.

How to download and install CompactGUI

To use CompactGUI, you need to have Windows 10 installed on your PC. You also need to have .NET 6 installed on your system. You can download .NET 6 from [here](^12^). Once you have Once you have .NET 6 installed, you can download CompactGUI from [here]. You don’t need to install CompactGUI, just extract the zip file and run the executable file. You will see a simple and user-friendly interface that looks like this: CompactGUI interface

How to compress Internet Cafe Simulator with CompactGUI

Compressing Internet Cafe Simulator with CompactGUI is very easy and fast. Just follow these steps:

  1. Launch CompactGUI and click on the «Select Folder» button. Navigate to the folder where you have installed Internet Cafe Simulator. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Internet Cafe Simulator.
  2. Choose the compression level you want from the drop-down menu. The higher the level, the more space you will save, but the longer it will take to compress. You can also check the «Compress subfolders» option if you want to compress all the files in the subfolders as well.
  3. Click on the «Compress Folder» button and wait for the process to finish. You will see a progress bar and a log window that shows you how much space you have saved and how long it took to compress.
  4. Once the compression is done, you can close CompactGUI and launch Internet Cafe Simulator as usual. You will not notice any difference in performance or quality, but you will have more free space on your drive.

How to decompress Internet Cafe Simulator if needed

If for some reason you want to decompress Internet Cafe Simulator, you can do so easily with CompactGUI. Just follow these steps:

  1. Launch CompactGUI and select the folder where you have installed Internet Cafe Simulator.
  2. Click on the «Uncompress Folder» button and wait for the process to finish. You will see a progress bar and a log window that shows you how much space you have used and how long it took to decompress.
  3. Once the decompression is done, you can close CompactGUI and launch Internet Cafe Simulator as usual. You will not notice any difference in performance or quality, but you will have less free space on your drive.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Internet Cafe Simulator

How to manage your internet cafe and customers

Internet Cafe Simulator is not just about compressing PC games, it’s also about running a successful internet cafe business. Here are some tips and tricks for managing your internet cafe and customers:

  • Buy new computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, headsets, chairs, desks, and other equipment to improve your internet cafe. You can also buy games and applications from Steam or other platforms and install them on your computers.
  • Charge your customers according to the time they spend on your computers. You can set different prices for different games or applications. You can also offer discounts or promotions to attract more customers.
  • Hire staff to help you with cleaning, repairing, serving, security, and other tasks. You can also train them to improve their skills and efficiency.
  • Keep your internet cafe clean and tidy. Customers will not like it if your internet cafe is dirty or messy. You can use a mop, a broom, a vacuum cleaner, or a trash bin to clean your internet cafe.
  • Keep your customers happy and satisfied. Customers will have different needs and preferences. Some may want to play games, some may want to browse the web, some may want to watch videos, some may want to chat with friends, etc. You can check their mood and satisfaction levels by hovering over their icons. You can also talk to them or offer them drinks or snacks to improve their mood.

How to deal with illegal activities and threats

Internet Cafe Simulator is not just about running a legal business, it’s also about dealing with illegal activities and threats. Here are some tips and tricks for handling illegal activities and threats:

  • You can do illegal work if you want, such as hacking, gambling, selling drugs, etc. However, be careful of the risks involved. You may get caught by the police, lose money, damage your reputation, or face other consequences.
  • You can also face threats from rival internet cafes, gangs, hackers, thieves, etc. They may try to sabotage your business, steal your equipment, attack your staff or customers, hack your computers, etc. You can fight back by hiring security guards, installing cameras or alarms, buying weapons or traps, hacking them back, etc.
  • You can also join forces with other internet cafes or groups to form alliances or partnerships. You can share resources, information, You can share resources, information, customers, or profits with them. You can also compete with them in tournaments or challenges to prove your skills and reputation.

How to expand your business and earn more money

Internet Cafe Simulator is not just about surviving, it’s also about thriving. Here are some tips and tricks for expanding your business and earning more money:

  • You can buy new buildings or rent new spaces to open more internet cafes in different locations. You can also upgrade your existing internet cafes to increase their capacity and quality.
  • You can invest your money in stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other businesses to earn passive income. You can also take loans from banks or other sources to finance your projects.
  • You can advertise your internet cafes on social media, websites, flyers, billboards, or other platforms to attract more customers. You can also create a loyal fan base by offering rewards, discounts, memberships, or referrals.
  • You can create your own games or applications and sell them on Steam or other platforms. You can also stream your gameplay or tutorials on Twitch or YouTube and earn money from donations, subscriptions, or ads.
  • You can participate in esports tournaments or events and win prizes, fame, or sponsors. You can also host your own tournaments or events and charge entry fees, sell tickets, or offer merchandise.


A summary of the main points and a call to action

Internet Cafe Simulator is a fun and realistic simulation game where you can build and manage your own internet cafe. You can also compress the game files using CompactGUI, a free and efficient tool that uses the CompactOS function in Windows 10. By compressing the game files, you can save space on your drive, improve your performance, speed up your loading times, and make backups easier. You can also enjoy the game with its many features, activities, interactions, challenges, and opportunities. Whether you want to run a legal or illegal business, a small or large internet cafe, a casual or competitive gamer, Internet Cafe Simulator has something for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Download Internet Cafe Simulator PC highly compressed today and start your internet cafe adventure!


Q1: Is Internet Cafe Simulator free to play?

A1: No, Internet Cafe Simulator is not free to play. You need to buy the game from Steam or other platforms to play it. The game costs $9.99 on Steam as of June 2023.

Q2: Can I play Internet Cafe Simulator on Mac or Linux?

A2: No, Internet Cafe Simulator is only available for Windows PC. You need to have Windows 10 installed on your PC to play the game.

Q3: What are the system requirements for Internet Cafe Simulator?

A3: The minimum system requirements for Internet Cafe Simulator are as follows:

OS Windows 10
Processor 2 GHz Dual Core CPU
Memory 4 GB RAM
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better
DirectX Version 11
Storage 5 GB available space
Sound Card Any

Q4: How can I update Internet Cafe Simulator automatically?

A4: If you have bought the game from Steam, you can update it automatically by enabling the automatic updates option in the Steam settings. If you have bought the game from other platforms, you need to check their websites for updates and download them manually.

Q5: Where can I find more information and support for Internet Cafe Simulator?

A5: You can find more information and support for Internet Cafe Simulator on the following platforms:

  • The official website of the game: [here]
  • The official Steam page of the game: [here]
  • The official Discord server of the game: [here]
  • The official Facebook page of the game: [here]
  • The official Twitter account of the game: [here]
  • The official YouTube channel of the game: [here]
  • The official Reddit community of the game: [here]
  • The The official Reddit community of the game: [here]
  • The Steam community hub of the game: [here]
  • The Steam guides of the game: [here]
  • The Steam discussions of the game: [here]

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy gaming!


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