Any time you are injured and are dealing with an insurance company or another private party directly for your claim, you have the right to consult an attorney and have one represent you if you choose. If you take this approach, you will have to pay your collision deductible toward repairs. Your lawyer can explain all damages you may be entitled to, even for injuries that seem minor, and will advocate on your behalf to make sure you receive a satisfactory settlement. Based on a 1999 study by the Insurance Research Council, the average person receives a settlement 3 ½ times larger with legal assistance than without it. Many people do not have the energy to put into this research and there are professionals who have already undergone that training and have intimate knowledge of the law: attorneys. The insurance companies and attorneys involved in the case will also investigate independently to collect more information. When an insurance company refuses to provide an appropriate amount, our firm will not hesitate to file a lawsuit.

However, if the insurance company rejects an acceptable claim, your lawyer may file a lawsuit. How Long Will My St. Louis Personal Injury Lawsuit Take to Resolve? If your injuries turn out to be worse than you and your doctor thought, and you have already accepted a settlement offer, there will be nothing you can do about it since you must give up any and all future claims arising out of the accident when you settle. Most personal injury claims in the United States are a result of an accident involving a car, truck, or other motor vehicle. An experienced injury attorney can help you recover losses resulting from a motor vehicle accident and reduce the hefty amount of paperwork, phone calls, and hassle often associated with car accident insurance claims. Florida legislature requires all of its residents to maintain a $10,000 Personal Injury Protection insurance policy, but this is often not enough to cover the expenses that can be incurred in a motor vehicle accident. In April 2019, Cesar was driving his minivan on his way to his condo in Brickell, Florida. Jose (not real name) was an occupant who was injured in a car accident in Florida. Below is important information you need to know about hiring a car accident lawyer.

One reason many people cite for not hiring a lawyer of their own is that they have insurance, or that the other party has insurance. If you have been seriously injured in a Car Accident Injury Lawyer accident, you may have already been contacted by an insurance company. Contributory negligence laws in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia mean victims who are even 1 percent at fault may be barred from recovering compensation. Make sure you learn about the most important issues, including fault and legal liability, state laws that affect your case, and compensation available for different types of damages. Your lawyer can help you make sure you get the full spectrum of damages you’re entitled to. A good lawyer will advise you to wait until you know the full extent of your injuries, and would help you to determine the right time to accept an offer. The insurance adjuster will likely be polite and ask you to give them a statement. And if the other driver’s insurance company makes you an offer to pay your medical bills and give you a few hundred dollars extra on top of that, it may not be worth the hassle of finding legal representation. Your medical bills go beyond the physical element, as psychological care should be included too.

Because you may need to pay for medical bills and/or cover lost wages, the sooner you contact an attorney, the better. An attorney can help you determine which insurance policies can help cover your expenses. Auto accident attorneys cover a range of issues stemming from personal injury, wrongful death, and property damage. How do I handle my car-related (property damage) issues after an accident? Fortunately, when you retain a personal injury lawyer following your accident, these attorneys can work with investigators, accident reconstructionists, and other professionals to supplement not only the police report but their own investigation. The insurance company you are making the claim against will have attorneys representing and fighting for them. But there are a few reasons why you might consider making a phone call or scheduling an initial consultation with a lawyer, even for seemingly minor injuries. Sometimes there are collisions between a car on a highway and another on the shoulder of the road. In addition, many drivers don’t adjust their speeds in poor weather, road conditions, or even construction zones. Everyday auto accidents occur as a result of distracted drivers, drivers that fail to yield at intersections, drivers that text while driving, drivers that get behind the wheel while intoxicated, drivers that fall asleep behind the wheel, and those who fail to take weather conditions into account.

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