Hdclone 6 5 Enterprise Edition Portable Boot Image
Hdclone 6 5 Enterprise Edition Portable Boot Image
Hard Disk Clone – HDClone clones hard disks and other mass storage media – on Windows, Linux or other supporting operating system using the best technology available. The cloning speed depends on your hardware, but in a best case scenario the same hard drive will be cloned in just a few minutes. With USB and Bluetooth mice and keyboards support you can clone even on SecureBoot systems. The cloning can be ended with Control-C.
A Windows Boot Image (WIM) is a compressed image of an entire Windows installation. This is an ultimate Windows boot image, useful for making copies of entire Windows installations in order to maintain a backup for those times when the original operating system fails.
A Windows Repair is a bootable Windows disk that is used to repair Windows installations from broken or corrupted files. The files are compiled into a single Windows Installer boot-able disk image.
1. The first step is to download HDClone 6 Enterprise Edition and install it. We strongly advise you to read our installation manual first. Run HDClone6EE –beta –help to check what is supported.
Download the latest available update for HDClone 6 Enterprise Edition and install it. HDClone requires the presence of a registered username/password to access the program’s settings. Please carefully review the license agreement before proceeding and read about the company’s Privacy Policy. HDClone is distributed as freeware, it is not a product of the company, and the company is not responsible for any defects in the software. For further information on the distribution rights, please contact the company.
Use your images to the fullest: As always HDClone includes the software Miray Virtual Disk, allowing you to mount your images in Windows and writing onto them. Now you can copy your images, including all changes performed onto them (MVD overlay), to other disks using HDClones image copying feature.
HDClone creates imagesoptionally with compression and/or AES encryption. Images can be saved directly as VMDK, VHD, VHDX and VDI files, and can then be mounted in VMware, VirtualPC and VirtualBox. In addition you can mount these images in Windows using our software Miray Virtual Disk (included).
Now theres no need to toss away the damaged drive or attempt to recover from a backup image that might not work anymore. HDClone is able to cross-check the data and revert the volume back to the original state. The new drive can then be formatted, partitioned and used as before. Simply plug in the drive and turn it on, the system will boot as normal – the new drive is replaced, preserving all your data, system settings and operating system. HDClone Enterprise Edition Portable is ideal for service providers, IT departments and anyone who wants to work on their own clients from any type of computer in any environment.
HDClone 6 is among the very few hard disk cloning products that can clone to a different hard disk volume in the event of damage. The advanced master stage of copying protects all your data from destruction. Once you start copying data, youre sure that nothing will go wrong. Once the copying process is complete, if you have a working disk volume, you may select to return the original data to its original location. HDClone Enterprise Edition Portable takes away the need to re-install your operating system from scratch or start from a backup and saves your time with this important phase.
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