Moreover, both parties should agree to the payment method during the negotiations. Make sure that you insist on a payment method that is full proof and will guarantee you getting all of your money. For example, try not to accept payment in the form of checks, sometimes they bounce. Try to get payment in cash or as a direct deposit into your bank account. This is the best way for you to guarantee that you will get all of the money that is promised to you. If the company insists on signing a contract, you should make sure that you read it carefully. There could be hidden fees that they did not previously discuss with you which could greatly reduce the amount of money that you end up getting. For example, the towing costs.
Most junk yards that offer cash for cars will pick up your vehicle for free, as it is in their financial interest to do so. If a salvage lot that pays boat rentals florida keys says that it must subtract a towing fee from the price of the vehicle, you should find another buyer that will tow the car for free.
If you think that your junk vehicle is not worth much that no one will pay to buy junk cars, you are in for a big surprise. Unfortunately there are many who mistakenly think their car is worth nothing and actually PAY to haul their junk car to a ‘buy junk ‘ company. In most cases you can get some where between 200 to 600U$ based on type and condition of the vehicle with free towing. As a ‘buy junk car for cash’ business owner, I have even paid 800 $ for some vehicles because I knew that i can get at least 3000$ from the car parts or rebuild the car. Have you ever wondered why there are so many ‘buy junk cars’ service companies competing for your car that you think is worthless? Do a Google search and you will find at least two dozen ‘buy junk vehicles’ businesses in every city.
There are dealerships that sell cars on consignment so you don’t have to. Due to the increasing demand for quality used cars, this is a new wave in the automotive industry.
You could drive your vehicle to a used car lot and say «I want to sell my car for cash now.» That may very well get you the cash you want, assuming the dealer is interested. It will be up to you to entice him if this is the selling option you choose. To do that, you’ll need to drive up in a clean car that runs good and hopefully has a complete set of maintenance records. That is what it will take to get an offer from the dealer. Keep in mind that you might get a good price – just not as good as you would if you tried to sell the car yourself. That’s the trade-off you make.
Now, pay the dealer a visit with your car. The first thing he will most likely do is to research a fair market value. The dealership will probably work one or more of the auto value guides such as Kelley Blue Book, Black Book or the NADA Guide, depending what area you live in.