One of my favorite crystals is the Tui Na Crystal. My first crystal was given to me by my father. I instantly noticed its softness and coolness. My body responded by warming up and I felt very comfortable. The very first time I looked at Tui Na, I was instantly aware that I was gazing at the possibility of a change in my life.
Fine quartz crystals may be used to reduce tension and strain and also improve the functioning of the internal organs. Tui Na is a blend of rhythmic pressure and manipulation of your soft tissues as well as the energy of the meridian in the body’s Acupuncture points. Tui Na is used to treat externally alongside cupping and the use of moxibustion. Tui Na massage is known to have numerous positive outcomes, among them its ability to reduce the stress level and boost your mood.
Tui Na therapy has been utilized over the years for thousands of years. The belief in Tui Na therapy worked miracles for fractured bones was an integral part of the ancient Chinese tradition. Chinese researchers presented the results from their research during an event in the country regarding alternative treatments and medical treatments. The researchers reported that tui na exhibits powerful antispastic effects that decreases the size and weight of the dysfunctional tissues. The treatment also enhanced the function of kidneys, livers, spleen and pancreas.
Numerous stroke patients from the United States have seen the advantages of this stone. According to Swedish medical professionals, Tui Na’s antispastic effect was found to be beneficial for improving the neurologic function of people suffering from stroke. Also, it has an easing effect because of its amazing effects on muscle and skin. Chinese medicine experts recommend it to patients with strokes or brain injuries. This is significant because there are now evidences that na therapies can in reducing the number of deaths suffered by stroke victims, particularly older people.
In reality, Chinese physicians have long recommended its use with conventional rehabilitation. However, in spite of this recommendation but it’s only been recently that largeand carefully-designed clinical trials have shown the positive benefits that patients can reap from combining tui Na therapy along with exercises for rehabilitation and massage. Patients who received both Tui Na stone and rehabilitative massage had three times more possibility of fully recovering in comparison to patients who only treated with standard medical care. A clinical trial was conducted in Britain with up to 500 stroke patients.
As part of the study conducted by researchers at the University of Glasgow in the UK, patients suffering of upper-limb spasticity were treated with either standard medical treatments or massage or le Chi (chi Acupuncture) or Tui Na (chi gong or tui Na tea). The amount of time needed to heal was similar for both the two categories. The study also showed significant improvement in movement and function. However, there was a significant difference between the two groups regarding the amount of improvement observed in patients receiving treatment with Tui Na stones as opposed to those receiving medical treatment only. Patients who had used the Na stones experienced a significant improvement in motor functioning as evident from the first day.
The Glasgow research is significant as it offers the first proof that the na can increase function in the absence regular medical attention. Furthermore, it provides the first evidence to show that na can improve recovery in patients suffering from upper limb spasticity as well as enhance muscle function, while reducing the associated risks of problems. As the study was conducted in a very small sample of patients, it’s unknown if it will be a long-term effect on the patients. But, it’s established that the na has significant Chinese cultural ties, and the ties sufficient to permit the na’s benefits to make it an effective alternative to prescription medications in patients suffering from ailments like chronic fatigue syndrome or muscular dystrophy. syndrome.
In conclusion, the Glasgow study adds further evidence that the na may be important and reliable as a complement to treatment for patients that have suffered stroke or have suffered poststroke upper limb spasticity. The study’s findings are noteworthy, particularly that those who had received medical therapy only had a higher incidence of adverse outcomes following the use of tui na. This confirms the efficacy of tui-na as an essential part of the treatment of stroke patients or any other orthotic treatment.
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