If your own safety and the safety of those around you is not enough to convince you of this idea, you should also know that just because you may not have had enough to put you over the .08 magic line, this does not mean that you cannot be arrested for DUI or DWI anyway. If there is any alcohol present in your blood stream and if the officer believes that you pose a risk due to your level of intoxication, the officer can arrest you no matter what the BAC reading is.
Not exactly. To an extent, arguably the best part of hiring a DUI Lawyer is the comfort and security of knowing your in good hands, and that the 9 condo property attorneys near me will take care of your case. While this is true, if you want the best possible resolution you can have, or if you want to have the best possibility of achieving a favorable outcome, then you need to be proactive in your defense. After all, nobody knows your case as good as you do. Accordingly, I have provided three general things you can do today to help your criminal attorney beat your case.
One of the most common causes of drunk driving is the trouble in recognizing the intensity of your impairment after drinking a generous amount of alcohol. Nobody can really tell you just how drunk you are if everybody’s having a good time just like you. Alcohol can set your reflexes back and weakens your reasoning power by tricking you into believing you are still perfectly able to drive and that your motor skills are unaltered.
Most people think that if they’re accused of a DUI that they’re automatically convicted. This is completely untrue. In fact, there have been many cases where the accused have beaten the charges against them. This requires the DUI attorney to plan an adequate defense. Your attorney understands that you are innocent until proven guilty and can plan a defense such as that your breath test was done incorrectly, that you were pulled over for the wrong reasons, or a dozen other defense points. Your attorney should know about every trick in the book so that he or she can be one step ahead of the prosecution, ready to shoot down any points they may have.
Being charged with a DUI in Baltimore can be a serious issue and has several risks involved in it. Such charges should be immediately taken care of. Delaying can complicate matters. Many people don’t take the charges seriously and underestimate the repercussions of the penalties that are associated with a DUI charge. In order to get out of the mess, one needs to get expert assistance from an experienced dui lawyer. Baltimore has several professional DUI lawyers who can take your case.
A felony (third time) DUI conviction requires a minimum of four months in prison and tens of thousands of dollars in fines. If you own the vehicle you were driving when arrested, you will forfeit your vehicle as well.