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The drugs work by blocking the activity of histamine, a chemical released by the immune system. In some people, production can go haywire in response to certain substances – such as pollen – triggering unwanted symptoms.

Moreover, when you are tired, you are not only likely to eat more but to be drawn to the wrong types of food which do nothing to support your gut microbes (which are also, let’s not forget, sleep deprived).

2024. It has been widely reported for years that Apple has a secret electronic car project, something Foxconn could be in an ideal place to partner on given its existing relationship with the California-ba

Sleep deprivation can also increase stress hormones in your body, which may explain why not getting enough sleep is linked with worse gut symptoms, particularly in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Limit caffeine and stimulants (including dark chocolate, and cold and flu medications containing caffeine) after lunchtime as it takes, on average, five hours for half the caffeine in your system to be cleared.

Repeat for ten cycles. The holding of breath changes the amount of carbon dioxide in the body, which through a sequence of mechanisms activates your ‘rest and digest’ nervous system, AKA your parasympathetic system. The result? A wave of calm moves through your body.

Check in on how well you are sleeping by taking the sleep quiz included on this page. If your score is at the lower end, I suggest incorporating the practical strategies listed below into your night-time regimen to boost your pillow-time and strengthen your immunity.

5 months agoResearch published in The New England Journal of Medicine showed that mental stress increases the risk of various respiratory infections, including the common cold, and the more stress people are under the higher the rates and severity of infection.

The condition affects multiple organs and bodily systems, causing a huge variety of problems to varying degrees of severity and duration. Crucially, they vary from person to person, and are not likely to be consistent – they can come and go.

Notice the liquid’s calming quality filling up your feet, through your ankles, into your lower legs. Continue for several minutes to visualise it filling each individual part of your body until it reaches the top of your head. Let it overflow, covering your skin with a warming touch.

Avoid using laptops, phones and other gadgets before bedtime, or consider installing blue-light filter apps on your devices. Blue light from back-lit screens is particularly disruptive to your body’s clock.

Studies show almost one in five long Covid sufferers have persistent tension-like headaches.

It’s still not clear why, but one theory is the immune system reacts to long Covid symptoms by repeatedly activating the trigeminal nerve in the head, triggering pain.

Without making an exhaustive list of all the 203 known symptoms, they include brain fog – also known as cognitive dysfunction – chest pains and breathlessness, insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, joint pain, depression and anxiety, nausea and other distressing digestive issues, food intolerances and allergies, headaches, skin rashes, hair loss, menstrual changes, erectile dysfunction, incontinence, hallucinations… it goes on and on.

Schedule worry time. We often struggle to fall asleep or find ourselves waking in the early hours if we’re worried about something. It may sound counter-intuitive, but allowing yourself ten minutes a few hours before bed to worry and write down all your thoughts and to-do lists can give you the mental space to relax before sleep.

Do a five-minute body scan. In a relaxed, seated position, with your eyes closed, imagine a gentle flow of warm liquid light trickling down from above your head through your body, filling up gradually from your toes.

Dose up on the cuddle hormone. Whether it’s a hug from someone or one from yourself, the physical sensation of touch has been shown to activate nerves that trigger the increase of oxytocin, the ‘cuddle hormone’.

In yesterday’s Daily Mail, I explained the vital role the colony of gut microbes plays in shoring up the immune system and how eating a diverse plant-based diet – though not necessarily plants-only – is the best way to support them.

And the vast majority suffered only a mild initial Covid infection, not requiring hospitalisation. But for almost all who experience it – ‘long-haulers’, as they are sometimes called – the illness impairs every aspect of life.

In fact, in clinic, I often find gut issues (and poor immunity) are worse in those whose stress is subconscious. Being able to suppress emotions may be a useful skill for combating acute stress, but in the long term these emotions often scream out via your gut. How are you feeling right now?

Deep down? Acknowledge it’s OK to feel that way and affirm that to yourself by saying it out loud.

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