Knowing the answer to «How long after a car accident can you claim injury? For example, they are less likely to make an open-ended statement, such as «Tell me about all of your injuries.» Rather, they may ask something like, «How are you feeling today? You may be able to pursue compensation. Another thing that State Farm will do to keep compensation out of the hands of the people who rightfully deserve it is to go digging into their past to find anything that could justify reducing or even completely denying a claim. They charge monthly premiums-which most customers dutifully pay each month-only to try to dodge paying out when injured people truly need help. Insurance companies try to get a settlement right away so that they can avoid future medical expenses. You may give a recorded statement to a State Farm adjuster the day of the accident, inadvertently say that you are «okay,» but feel so much pain the next day you can’t even get out of bed. If you find out that your State Farm claim was handed to a «Team» of adjusters (such as the notorious «Team 22»), in my experience, you can be sure of one thing- State Farm will NOT offer you a fair value for your auto claim.

The next secret of dealing with State Farm pertains to recorded statements-specifically, that you do not have to give one! » This question seems innocuous but it is designed for you to give the reflexive answer of «Fine.» If you go back and change your story later, they have you «on record» saying you were «fine,» and they will use what you said against you! If you don’t file your suit within the allotted time, the courts will likely dismiss it, and you’ll lose the opportunity of receiving compensation. In some states, people who are hurt in car accident injury lawyer toronto accidents do not have very long at all before their legal rights expire; this means that if you don’t act quickly enough on your case, it may be impossible for you ever get any compensation from whoever was at fault for causing your accident. After she was released from the hospital, she had to use a walker to get around. They’re looking for anything that could qualify as a pre-existing condition, which they will use to invalidate your pain and suffering. You could also experience prolonged pain and suffering, forever changing the life you were expecting to lead. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium by a spouse.

If someone else’s negligence caused your injuries, that person may also need to pay for other expenses related to the accident as well as for any pain and suffering that resulted from their actions. An attorney from our team can handle the logistics of your case, allowing you the time you need to process and heal from your experience. Typically, you do need evidence to prove your injuries so it’s important to seek medical treatment for any type of injury. They know victims’ medical bills are piling up with every passing day without a way to pay. We’ll let you in on a few secrets of State Farm, tell you how to avoid getting taken advantage of, plus let you know how to maximize your car accident settlement. We’ll do what its needed to make sure you obtain the compensation you’re owed. If an insurance company catches wind of a 20-year old neck injury that occurred while the victim was playing soccer in high school, it may attempt to use it as a way to justify reducing the compensation it offers the victim. They may spend days or weeks in the hospital recovering from multiple injuries to different parts of the body.

Under this scheme, multiple parties can be found liable for an accident, and each required to pay for an amount of damages proportional to their fault. You can also determine whether or not it is in your best interest to pursue a personal injury claim. We have decades of experience helping drivers, passengers, bicyclists, pedestrians, victims of drunk drivers, and others in the Tri-State area recover fair compensation in personal injury cases. Of course, the best way to secure maximum compensation and avoid getting taken advantage of after a car accident is to contact our law firm. And while we don’t think about getting into an accident when we’re in our cars, accidents can and do happen. Out-of-pocket expenses can become staggering. However, you can seek compensation from another responsible driver if you have specific kinds of injuries, if the expenses exceed certain limits, and in other circumstances. There are also limits on how much compensation you can receive from your claim. If they have questions about the facts of the accident, they can check the police report.

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