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Another criteria for choosing the music we use, is the series itself. For Evangelion, we wanted to use an all-English cast, so we asked what the Japanese was like, and decided it was okay if its mostly spoken. For Tokyo Magnetshiin GoGoV we wanted something with huge chorus, so we were thinking about bringing back our classics. For Gurren Lagann, we wanted something that was hard and energetic, so we wanted to use that type of song. And for this tour, we wanted a song that had a long lasting effect, so we picked Kimi ga ita Kara.

So theres this longstanding theory going around that we make our songs so loud because we want listeners to come see us. Before the tour we were like, What are you talking about? But theres an old superstition that if you listen to your music through headphones, if you put on just one earbud, if your listener is out of your headphones and you put your headphones back on, then itll start raining and thats how we believe that theres some magical power that comes with the noise of the music. Also, if you turn up the volume, you might damage your ears. So we had to have it REALLY loud.

Hatsune Miku, who starred in several Gainax works, was indeed there to sing during the closing video forKimigayo. Oda even took Mikus place on some song, as evidenced by the fact that the drummer was a girl.

While this may be an unusual way to start a review, the fact that Gainax is the creators of FLEET SUPER-ROAD is an automatic bonus for me! I took the train to the Tokyo University of the Arts (known as TUAT, or University of Tokyo of Arts and Crafts), where the Gainax building is located. I walked across campus, looking in to the student dorms, wondering if and when theyll recognize me. I wasnt recognized, but I did see some of my favorite classmates, Shoko, Miku, Mei and all others I havent seen in a while. When I arrived at the building, I was greeted by the lovely Tuu and Yui, Gainaxs official mascot. They offered me a tour of the place and I saw, as they had mentioned, the studio where the FLEET SUPER-ROAD soundtrack was recorded. There was also the actual FLEET SUPER-ROAD costumes, as well as many other props like the pod car from the final battle of the game, plus the gigantic teddy bear and the black package with the dodgy logo the boys were carrying on the back of the teddy bear!

The first part was such a great time. We were there for the performances, but the second part is really when we get to meet you and actually get to hang out with people and exchange ideas. It seems like everyone seems really excited to be here, and that makes us, Gainax, so happy. Weve been getting a lot of screentime out of this, and it really lets us take a few days off when we are on tour, which is nice! We are really glad to be able to meet our fellow otaku fans and to get a chance to talk to you all.
Theres actually a lot of new concepts to answer. If theyre only going to do several songs from the album, for example, we dont have that many songs. After the concert, our manager came to us and said, Its been a long time since youve performed live, so do whatever you want. I still dont know how many songs theyre going to do, so were going to play whatever we want. Theres going to be like a rock concert. So we really want to show off what we can do.
The title of the song is quite fitting, too, as, like Evangelion, its about someone who can bring out the best in people. Its also the first time when theyvent played the song on the tour, so its quite a big event for them. Theyre singing the same song on the same stage, so its the perfect ending to the tour, and, like Evangelion, its perfect to play as the last song.
At the same time, its not just music that we can use. When Hiroaki Ishiyamas storyboarded the first episode of Gurren Lagann, he wanted to have two birds, two guys, one with a robot and the other with a cat. When we picked that second guy, he was nicknamed the catguy. Thats how we got the idea to have the diverse band of rockers. And when we picked Matsuzaki Tomoya, the bassist who was in Gurren Lagann, Matsuzaki was like, What the heck is this guy gonna be able to do? And Oda was like, Thats what we want! Even the bassist didnt know what to make of him!

Publicado en: Self ImprovementTime Management
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