The Mummy Pc Game Full Download EXCLUSIVE
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The Mummy Pc Game Full Download
the game has a series of what are essentially set-piece battles. each area has various mummies that you are charged with killing (and they’re really easy to kill). the basic idea is that you can either use normal bullets or your special machete and amulet, which is needed for the opening cut-scene and which you will find in a treasure chest. more importantly, you can use them in conjunction with each other, for example, a machete will kill a mummy with one hit, a shield will protect you from mummy fire and you can even teleport the amulet to a nearby mummy, detonating it in one hit. once every mummy is dead, you can then enter a room and be faced with a rather brilliant puzzle in the shape of a huge candelabra. pull out the candles and make the lights go out to reveal a hidden door (or occasionally, an evil mummy, although this is quite rare). you can then leave the room, or continue through the next door, which will lead you into another room with more mummies and a similar candelabra puzzle. this continues until you’ve collected all the items and opened all the doors in the room, with a final fight against imhotep, who always appears in the last room. it’s a good way to break up the tedium and it makes you feel like a real badass. this is the only section of the game where it’s not a case of kill the mummy, shoot the mummy, or run away and continue killing mummies.
thankfully, the action is pretty good. the camera is quick and responsive and the action never gets too far away from you. the mummies are easy to kill, simply running at you, shooting and falling to the ground. they fall off the edges of the screen sometimes and, if you miss, you’ll get a one-hit death. even so, the mummies are sometimes very large and, since the action takes place against a backdrop, you can sometimes go running through some pillars or mummies and not even realise you’ve done it until you get in trouble. this is not a particularly scary game and the mummies are never far away, which makes for a rather tedious experience and a bit of a letdown from the film. the sound effects and music are suitably cheesy, as you’d expect and, to a point, the game gets away with being rather dumb, but when you’re moving between areas, the transition is a bit messy and the sound effects can still get in the way a little.
rebellion’s big bulging bank account is a bingo parlour in switzerland, and the game is a pretty standard bingo variant that is perhaps best described as ‘bingo meets the mummy’. it’s a decent enough game with a standard bingo layout and a few gameplay features. there are various rooms to visit, like the one where you can win prizes. a mummy or anubis will be floating above a section of the board, and if you can pop him with a shot, he’ll give you a prize. the mummy has a character bonus and the anubis has a double, which you get by popping the mummy and popping the anubis. once a mummy or anubis goes out, a new one appears. the first two mummy bonuses are worth 300 and 250, the third is worth 200, and the anubis bonus is worth 500. the gameplay repetitive, frustrating and exceedingly difficult, especially when you consider its target audience.the mummy, like so many games of late, has no mid-level save function. this will put a lot of people off straight away – which is a good thing, but it needn’t be like that! implemented properly, the lack of an in-game save can add tension and greater immersion in the game, but get it wrong, and the player will end up going over and over the same piece of ground more times than even the most masochistic of gamers wants to. throw in the fact that every level contains the same old stuff over and over again anyway, and you end up with a very monotonous experience. most of the time you simply have to kill a certain number of enemies until you can progress, with no explanation as to why. there are few keys to unlock doors, and a few treasure chests are scattered throughout, which is a bit offputting at first, but can be at least a small bit of a good thing. the puzzles are pretty straightforward. most are fairly easy to solve, but the game can quickly become very frustrating when you get stuck. the timer system is very annoying too. often it works well, but sometimes it doesn’t. there are also some moving walls that can be a bit of a pain to get past. the controls are not the most sophisticated, but that can be a bit of a negative too. overall, the controls are fine, but the controls are still a bit awkward. the game also has a rather old-fashioned auto-save system, which is a bit of a let down. there are also some quicktime events that are painfully slow. you will have to play through most of the game with the auto-save system turned off in order to get some of the best goodies in the game. 5ec8ef588b