Apache RAT plagiarism detector is command-line tool for searching the code base for possibly plagiarized code using web code search engines. Shortly – it checks if source code is cut&pasted from somewhere by searching on Google code search, Koders code search.
Give apache-rat-pd a try to see what it’s really capable of!








Apache-rat-pd 0.1.0 Crack Torrent (Activation Code) For PC

An extremely simple plagiarism detector. It should be extremely simple, and not that complicated to use.

Descripción de apache-rat-pd

RAT – Plagiarism Analyzer Tool, is a tool that analyzes open source code found on the Internet and the code base of the software that you are developing.
Code downloaded from the Internet is usually stolen, often unethically, but quite often legally. It is often this plagiarism that comes up when a developer is later accused of intellectual theft.
By using RAT, you could check your code for plagiarism. Before developing code, you would simply download the code from the Internet and run it through RAT – Plagiarism Analyzer Tool. RAT would analyze the code found and determine if it was plagiarized.
This tool is most effective when you just find that the code posted on the Internet is similar to your code. RAT is not so effective when it comes to code that was already built by someone else.
RAT is very simple to use, it basically works like this:
1. When RAT is launched, you will be presented with a list of online code search sites.
2. You can choose the online code search sites which you wish to use.
3. Once you have selected the search sites, you are given a list of most recent matches for your code.
4. You can then download the code to run it locally in your computer.
RAT is a command line application, as a result there may be some different ways of running it. You can use the man command for more information, the man command is used to give information and give the command in full use.
If you find plagiarism in your code, you are able to put it a different workspace to prevent other users from using it.

Basic usage

This is a description of what you would do if you were to use this program:
1. Go to
2. Find the code you want to search.
3. Click the Code Grabber button.
4. Enter the name of the file you want to grab and click Grab.
5. Click Go to download site.
6. In the text box for the code grabber, enter «Downloaded from the source.»
7. Click Download Code.
8. Make sure to click Show Download.
9. Now,

Apache-rat-pd 0.1.0 [32|64bit] (Updated 2022)

«Plagiarism Detector» is a command-line program that analyzes the source code of a given program and reports if the source code has been copied, translated, cut-pasted or plagiarized.
It works by searching on Google search and Google Code Search and looking for exact matches and near-matches of code fragments in the source.
(Note: It is not search engines that it uses, but simply and good-old web search. Nothing fancy – nothing expensive…)
You can also use it for searching Google or Coders code search, or Baidu search.
The code is written in Python and uses the BeautifulSoup and the Python standard library (as well as libxml2 and libxslt) libraries.
The website is largely in Spanish, but the source code is available in English as well.
See for more information.
Apache RAT – Command-Line program to detect instances of plagiarism.
More information available in the README file included in this package.
License : GNU GPL, Version 3
Python Package Index:
From the command-line
For more detailed instructions on command-line usage refer to:

For more help on command-line usage refer to:

For more information about RAT, see the man page:

For more information about the website see
For the English translation, see
Unforunately the website has many links and functions in Spanish, which to some people may be difficult to use.
Here is how you search the code using Google code search. If you are satisfied with the results, you can proceed to the next step.
Define the search parameters (in keyword format):

Apache-rat-pd 0.1.0 Crack + [32|64bit]

rat-pd is a java program that is used to check if any of the codes in a Project are similar to any other code in your repository. It works by searching code snippets (usually less than 20 lines) at any of the popular code search engines. It reports the results in a hierarchical tree view, with the most recent similarity right at the top.
Rat-PD is the Ant Task made specifically for apache-rat-pd and uses apache-rat-pd utility to scan repositories. If you want to use this more or less standalone, do this:
Download and put apache-rat-pd into your lib folder (see apache-rat-pd installation guide)
Download and put ant-rat-pd into your ant-vars folder (see apache-rat-pd installation guide)
you can also download rat-pd.bat and rat-pd.sh as mentioned above.
Note: you should put your all rat-pd script into lib folder but you can put rat-pd.bat and rat-pd.sh into ant-vars folder if you want.
The following tables gives high-level feature overview.
See rat-pd’s table of high-level features below.
Command line usage or Script file usage :

C:\> rat-pd check

– is project name, per project check will be performed for each
project folder. If is omitted, check for all projects.


– Check each project folder
– If the result was false for one or more projects, check for that project again.
– Keep checking until all projects are done or until the result is true.

This is a tree view of the results.
Use this to review each project’s code and see what is similar to what.

– Project1
— folder1
— folder2
— folder3
—- project2
—- project3
——– folder4
——– folder5
—- folder6
—- folder7
—- folder8
— project3
— project4

Fig 1: Sample tree. Note: the empty folders (?) are hidden.
(User: @jonathan-watters)

Example for command line usage.
– Make sure you checked out all rss-parser projects and sub-projects.
– Execute rat-pd check.

– Make sure you checked out all restlet projects and

What’s New In Apache-rat-pd?

Apache RAT plagiarism detector is command-line tool for searching the code base for possibly plagiarized code using web code search engines. Shortly – it checks if source code is cut&pasted from somewhere by searching on Google code search, Koders code search.
Give apache-rat-pd a try to see what it’s really capable of!
In detail Description:
Apache RAT plagiarism detector checks for code duplicated from other external source. Usually used for the purpose of plagiarism.
First it launches raterat, this is Apache RAT:

– main is its own main function, which is needed for programs with STARTUP mode.
echo «Hello world!» | raterat

The letter ‘@’ is used to indicate to Raterat, that a file is a «Plagiarized file»
You can set the option «–check» to automatically scan a project to find files written in another language.
You can set the option «–quiet» to output only missing files, when no files are found

If you’d like to use plagiarismdetector for something else, you can find a full explanation about it here:


The input to this program is the root of your project. So it will not start scanning a directory or any files inside of that directory.
The output to this program is the root of your project’s output directory.

When you call apache-rat-pd, it uses this detection method to check source files for them being pulled from other sources, You can use the -v parameter to find any location by searching a Google code search engine for a keyword (NOTE: only the project’s url is needed at the moment to do this). So for example:

This can be used to specify a word or phrase that should be searched for. This parameter will be searched with the google code search.
So for example, you can do a search for a php forum project:

… code found in that project.
The -p parameter is used to specify a specific project, if you are using a google code search or koders search that has an url and is specified with it, you can use the -p parameter to specify the project. So for example:


System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel x64
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 460, AMD HD 5000 or later
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
Additional Notes: (Game required to use option)


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