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How to Download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» – The Book That Exposes the Lies of the Powerful

If you are looking for a book that will challenge your perspective on the world and reveal the secrets of the corrupt, you should download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» by Moacyr Scliar. This book is a captivating story of a young man who lies his way through life, but also a reflection on the nature and consequences of lying.

«As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» means «The Short Legs of the Lie» in Portuguese, and it is a reference to the popular saying that «a lie has short legs», meaning that it cannot go far without being discovered. The book follows the adventures of Paulo Pinóquio, a talented and intelligent boy who uses his imagination to create stories and deceive others. He lies to his parents, his teachers, his friends, and even himself. He lies for different reasons: to avoid trouble, to impress people, to get what he wants, or to help someone. But he soon realizes that lying has a price, and that he cannot escape from the truth forever.

The book is narrated by Mário, Paulo’s friend and accomplice, who also falls in love with Tonia, the sister of a young man who blackmails Paulo for falsifying his school grades. Mário is torn between loyalty and honesty, and he has to decide whether to keep supporting Paulo’s lies or to expose them.

«As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» is a book that will make you think about the ethical and moral implications of lying, and how lying can affect not only yourself, but also others. It is also a book that will entertain you with its witty and humorous style, and its engaging plot. The book was written by Moacyr Scliar, a Brazilian writer and physician who has published more than 70 books, including novels, short stories, essays, and children’s literature. He is known for his original and imaginative stories that often mix realism and fantasy, and for his social and political criticism.

If you want to download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira», you can find it as an eBook on You can also read the first chapter for free on, the largest social network for readers in Brazil. You can also find more information about the book and the author on

Why You Should Read «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira»

«As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» is not only a fun and captivating story, but also a valuable lesson on the importance of honesty and integrity. By reading this book, you will learn how lying can have negative consequences for yourself and others, and how telling the truth can be rewarding and liberating.

The book also explores the psychological and social aspects of lying, and how lying can be influenced by factors such as fear, guilt, shame, pride, ambition, or compassion. The book shows how lying can affect one’s self-esteem, relationships, reputation, and career. The book also raises questions about the nature of truth and reality, and how sometimes the truth can be subjective or relative.

«As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» is a book that will make you reflect on your own values and choices, and inspire you to be more honest and authentic. It is also a book that will make you appreciate the power of storytelling and creativity, and how they can be used for good or evil.

How to Download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» for Free

If you are interested in reading «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira», you can download it for free from various online sources. However, you should be careful about the quality and legality of the downloads, as some of them may be pirated or corrupted.

One of the best ways to download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» for free is to use a reputable eBook platform such as offers a wide range of eBooks in different languages and genres, including «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira». You can download the book as an EPUB file, which is compatible with most devices and applications. You can also read the book online using the Kobo app or website.

To download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» from, you need to create an account and add the book to your cart. You can then proceed to checkout and download the book without paying anything. You can also access other features such as bookmarks, highlights, notes, and recommendations.

Another way to download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» for free is to use a social network for readers such as is the largest social network for readers in Brazil, where you can find books, reviews, ratings, discussions, and more. You can also read the first chapter of «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» for free on, and decide if you want to read more.

To download «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» from, you need to create an account and search for the book. You can then click on the PDF icon and download the first chapter of the book. You can also join groups, follow authors, create lists, and participate in challenges.

What Other Readers Think of «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira»

«As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» is a book that has received positive feedback from many readers who have enjoyed its story and its message. On, the book has an average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars, based on 12 ratings and 3 reviews. Here are some of the comments from the readers:

  • «A very interesting book that shows how lying can affect our lives and the lives of others. It also shows how sometimes we lie for good reasons, but we still have to face the consequences. The book is well written and has a good sense of humor.» – Ana
  • «A great book that makes you think about the ethics and morality of lying, and how lying can be a form of creativity or manipulation. The book has a lot of twists and turns, and it keeps you hooked until the end. The characters are very realistic and relatable.» – Bruno
  • «A fun and captivating book that explores the psychology and sociology of lying, and how lying can be influenced by different factors. The book has a witty and humorous style, and it also has a lot of references to literature and culture. The book is very original and imaginative.» – Carla

If you want to read more reviews or write your own review of «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira», you can visit and join the community of readers who share their opinions and recommendations.

How to Enjoy «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira» Even More

If you want to enhance your reading experience of «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira», you can do some activities that will help you appreciate the book even more. Here are some suggestions:

  • Read some other books by Moacyr Scliar, such as «The Centaur in the Garden», «The Woman Who Wrote the Bible», or «Max and the Cats». You will discover more of his amazing stories and his unique style.
  • Watch some movies or documentaries about lying, such as «Liar Liar», «The Invention of Lying», or «Catfish». You will learn more about the effects and motives of lying, and how lying can be entertaining or dangerous.
  • Play some games or do some exercises that involve lying, such as «Two Truths and a Lie», «Balderdash», or «Spot the Liar». You will test your skills and abilities to lie or detect lies, and have fun with your friends or family.

By doing these activities, you will enrich your knowledge and understanding of lying, and you will also enjoy yourself while reading «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira».

Who is Moacyr Scliar, the Author of «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira»

Moacyr Scliar is a Brazilian writer and physician who was born in 1937 in Porto Alegre, a city in the south of Brazil. He is one of the most prolific and acclaimed writers in Brazil, having published more than 70 books, including novels, short stories, essays, and children’s literature. He has also won several awards, such as the Jabuti Prize, the Casa de las Américas Prize, and the Camões Prize.

Scliar is known for his original and imaginative stories that often mix realism and fantasy, and for his social and political criticism. He draws inspiration from his Jewish heritage, his medical background, his personal experiences, and his extensive reading of world literature. He explores themes such as identity, culture, religion, history, science, ethics, and humor.

Some of his most famous works are «The Centaur in the Garden», «The Woman Who Wrote the Bible», «Max and the Cats», «The Strange Nation of Rafael Mendes», and «The War in Bom Fim». His books have been translated into many languages and adapted into films, plays, and comics.

What are Some Other Books Similar to «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira»

If you enjoyed reading «As Pernas Curtas da Mentira», you might also like some other books that deal with the topic of lying or that have a similar style or tone. Here are some recommendations:

  • «The Adventures of Pinocchio» by Carlo Collodi. This is a classic children’s book that tells the story of a wooden puppet who wants to become a real boy, but who lies constantly and faces many troubles because of it.
  • «The Liar» by Stephen Fry. This is a witty and clever novel that follows the life of Adrian Healey, a charming and brilliant liar who gets involved in a spy plot and a love triangle.
  • «Lying: A Metaphorical Memoir» by Lauren Slater. This is a controversial and provocative memoir that challenges the boundaries between truth and fiction, and explores the author’s experiences with epilepsy, mental illness, and love.

By reading these books, you will discover more stories and perspectives on lying, and how lying can be entertaining or harmful.!NEW!


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