AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack+

AutoCAD Crack For Windows is the most common CAD software application used by architects, interior designers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, landscape architects, and structural engineers. Other architects and building design professionals, such as landscape architects, also make use of CAD software to generate 3D and 2D architectural designs. AutoCAD is also used for architectural design, engineering design, facility design, and other industrial and construction applications. Architectural or engineering firms, interior design firms, and design firms of other types also use AutoCAD to create designs for their clients.

AutoCAD is primarily designed to run on personal computers (PCs), but AutoCAD is also available on select mobile devices that include smartphones and tablets. Architectural or engineering firms and design firms generally use the desktop or laptop version of AutoCAD on their PCs. Architects and other professional designers who are inexperienced at using AutoCAD can use the free trial version of the software, which is available for download for Microsoft Windows or macOS, as well as iOS and Android devices.

AutoCAD is the software used by architects and engineers to design buildings and other structures. Architectural CAD software enables users to view building designs from different perspectives, manipulate those designs, record and produce architectural drawings, and convert the design into a 3D model for use in construction.

Software and hardware requirements

Depending on the type of design you are planning and the number of levels you need to draw, AutoCAD software will take up to several gigabytes of hard disk space. If you are working with a modest drawing file, the file size may not be more than 200 MB.

AutoCAD is based on the concepts of a coordinate plane. The coordinate plane in AutoCAD has X- and Y-axes. The drawing origin, which is the (0,0) point, is located at the top left corner of the window.

If you are planning to make changes to your design, you must first exit the program and save the file. You can do this by pressing the File menu and choosing Save As or by pressing Ctrl+S. To save changes, you must save the drawing file in a newer format, such as.DWG.

If you are working on a large, complex design, you may find that the interface is not user-friendly. You might also find that the software interface is slow and unresponsive. If this is the case, you can increase the speed of your computer or

AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack Free Registration Code Download [32|64bit] Latest

In the 1986 release, AutoCAD Crack was introduced with a pair of file extensions, «.dwg» for a drawing, and «.dxf» for an AutoCAD drawing file. In 1992, AutoCAD added support for native file extensions. AutoCAD X-12 files can be found with the.x12 extension.

In 2002, the first version of AutoCAD was released that has the extension of the file-type «».dwg».

In 2010, AutoCAD started using the «».dwg» file-type to store a 2D drawing. The 2D drawing can be generated using the DWG/DXF converter (Native DWG Converter).

Since its inception, AutoCAD has always been a reliable, robust and fast CAD program.

AutoCAD is not the only AutoDesk product to be co-developed with Microsoft. The company also co-developed:

3D Architect
AutoCAD Structural Analysis
Word-Perfect Architect
Map 3D
MapInfo Professional

AutoCAD is available as a free download from Autodesk’s website, although a license is required to use it. To use AutoCAD for Windows and macOS, the user must license AutoCAD from Autodesk. The cost for a one-year license of AutoCAD is US$795 for Windows, US$1,595 for a subscription to perpetual updates, and US$1,495 for the year for macOS (on a yearly subscription), plus US$40 per year for the use of the cloud application. However, with the upgrade from AutoCAD 2017 to 2018, a company pays only US$500 per year for the software, including the use of the cloud. The cost of maintenance upgrades varies; for example, the cost of maintenance upgrades for AutoCAD 2014 or AutoCAD 2015 is US$225, compared to US$125 for AutoCAD 2016, which in turn is cheaper than the cost of maintenance for AutoCAD 2017, and also cheaper than the cost of maintenance for AutoCAD 2018.

AutoCAD 2018’s cloud licensing fee is US$79.95 per user per year.

On-premises licensing
For on-premises licensing, AutoCAD LT is available for US$5,995. AutoCAD Architect is available for US$39,995.

AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack + Activation Code

Click on «File>Open» menu.

Select the executable file of Autocad and click «Open».

Navigate to the location of your Autocad installation.

Double click on Autocad to launch.

The default port number is 26146. Change to 26146 and press Enter.

You will be prompted to enter a user name and a password.

Enter a user name of «Autocad» and a password of «test».

You will be able to continue.

Creating a Model File

You will now create a model file using the aforementioned default Autocad settings.

Double-click on «AcadAutoCAD2.exe»

When the «Welcome to Autodesk AutoCAD» dialog box appears, click on the «Continue» button.

Choose «Create a Model File» from the menu on the left.

When the «New Model File» dialog box appears, click on the «Open» button.

Navigate to the location of your Autocad installation.

Double click on Autocad to launch.

The default port number is 26146. Change to 26146 and press Enter.

You will be prompted to enter a user name and a password.

Enter a user name of «Autocad» and a password of «test».

You will be able to continue.

Let’s create some sheets.

Creating the sheets

We’ll create two sheets.

First, we’ll create a «Sheet 1» sheet.

Double-click on «AcadAutoCAD2.exe»

When the «Welcome to Autodesk AutoCAD» dialog box appears, click on the «Continue» button.

Choose «Create Sheet» from the menu on the left.

When the «New Sheet» dialog box appears, click on the «Open» button.

Navigate to the location of your Autocad installation.

Double click on Autocad to launch.

The default port number is 26146. Change to 26146 and press Enter.

You will be prompted to enter a user name and a password.

Enter a user name of «Autocad» and a password of «test».

You will be able to continue.

You will be presented with a list of available sheets. We’ll create Sheet 1.

Click on «

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Markup Assist brings your drawings into new editing contexts, such as integrating fonts, linking objects to each other, adding dimensions and levels, and editing the text using the text and paragraph tools. The resulting edits are automatically communicated back to the drawing through AutoCAD’s internal markup engine, allowing for editing-centric design reviews. (video: 7:30 min.)

Drawing PDFs:

Save money and bring existing projects to life. Onscreen, directly within AutoCAD, PDF files can be opened, converted to DWG files, and modified in the same way as DWG files. (video: 1:15 min.)

Annotation Edges:

Match the outer border of drawings to your draft board, title block, and dimension guides with AutoCAD’s new annotation capabilities. Use editing tools, such as the move tool, to fine-tune the edges to your boards and guides. Annotate as many parts of your board and guides as you want and the borders will adapt to the correct locations.

Overlap and Underlap editing:

Set the maximum number of objects that can overlap on top of each other in one drawing. If an object overlaps another, automatically the latter becomes hidden in the editor and only the first is visible. (video: 1:15 min.)

Overlap and Underlap settings are also available in user dialogs:

2D Window:



Attach multiple 3D entities to their master at once with the Attach Objects to entities tool. The master can be a blueprint, annotation entity, or a predefined command that exists in the active drawing.


New properties that are associated with the 2D handle (control point) of a 3D object. The properties can be used to quickly identify the location of the handle on the 2D plane.


The Layer Adjuster tool supports multi-select. The selection tool can be used to select an area of the drawing, and the Layer Adjuster will apply its settings to the selected area.


When selecting a 3D annotation entity, the boundary of the entity is now visible along with the object.


Added a new command, Insert Top Center, which attaches a series of objects as 3D annotations to the top-center of a drawing.

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows XP SP3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU with 2.4 GHz
Video Card: 1 GB Video Memory
DirectX: 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
Additional Notes:
Unless otherwise stated, all games are compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit) and Windows 7/8 (32 bit).
All Windows operating systems are supported, such

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