Some of you may not know what Craigslist is. For your information, formerly, Craigslist is a San Francisco community electronic newsletter. Now, Craigslist is one of the most visited English language Web sites, with local classifieds for more than 400 cities in the world. Also, on the site of Craigslist, there is a forums section which allows the Craigslist users to discuss topics on everything such as how to garden or how to operate Linux systems. Craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events. If you want to participate in forum discussions or post your classifieds, you have to make a craigslist account.

Craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs housing for sale services local community and events. Originally, Craigslist is a San Francisco community electronic newsletter. Now, it is one of the most visited English language Web sites, with local classifieds for more than 450 cities in the world. The main function of this site is to host classified ads which cover every category you can think of, including job postings, items for sale, housing, services and personals. Also, there is a forums section which allows the users to discuss topics on everything from gardening to the Linux operating system.

TBT (Total Blocking Time)

The founder of Craigslist Craig Newmark and Jim Buckmaster aim to give the users a helpful noncommercial method to connect with other people in their communities. Posting on craigslist for most classifieds categories is free. Also, it is free to browse and respond to ads. The Web site does not have any flashy animation or graphics. If all you wish to do is browse the site, you are able to visitcraigslist.organd click away. Each category has some subcategories, making it easy to navigate to the suit section quickly.

After that, officially you have joined the Craigslist community. Need to know that most ads include the member’s e-mail address. Craigslist offers a function which masks e-mail so that the members do not have to worry about their address being openly available. All transactions are between the person who posted the ad and the person who respond it. The employees of Craigslist do not get involved in any transactions or discussions unless someone reports an issue.

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