Download Ms Shell Dlg 2 Font _TOP_



Download Ms Shell Dlg 2 Font

most fonts support glyphs for numbers in addition to the glyphs used for letters, punctuation, and common symbols. this extra set of glyphs was designed to assist in developing currency exchange rates between various regional currencies. the number glyphs are generally associated with dollar signs, and are distinguished from the other glyphs for currency symbols by having an extra dot above the number glyph.

if the system uses these glyphs to display text that is associated with a unit of currency, the text is formatted to look like a number and the glyphs used to display the currency symbol and the currency sign are superimposed over the glyphs that are used to display the number. for instance, a number of thousands of dollars is «123,456.78» because a glyph set that includes the number glyphs is used to display the number, but the glyphs that are used to display the currency symbol and currency sign are superimposed over the glyphs that are used to display the number. when dollar signs are used, the currency sign is normally printed beneath the number glyphs.

the glyphs that are used for several common currency symbols are shown in the preceding figure. note that on windows vista and higher, an extra code point (currency) is used to identify all of the currency symbols. windows vista also added support for internationalized domain names to the currency symbol.

this glyph set is more formally known as «mixed currency symbol set for symbols for money and money units», and may be rendered in a single font under the microsoft sans serif font family in all supported versions of windows. for more information about currency sign glyphs, see currency .

in order to solve this problem, windows uses ms shell dlg and ms shell dlg 2 to select the appropriate font for the specific locale. this means that the font used for the dialog box is determined by the operating system settings, not the application. however, to use the ms shell dlg or ms shell dlg 2 fonts, the operating system must create those logical fonts. a win32 application using ms shell dlg or ms shell dlg 2 must request to access these fonts. this request is called a «createfont call.»
you can create your own logical font by embedding the required code in your win32 application. for information about embedding fonts in win32 applications, see embedding fonts and using truetype fonts.
this embedding process is the same as for any other win32 application font, with one major exception. you must specify to the createfont call the attribute cf_drawing. this attribute determines whether or not the font is suitable for application use.
although windows supports the embedding of truetype fonts, it cannot display the fonts embedded in this way. you can create a font that includes truetype fonts that windows can display by specifying the cf_truetype attribute to the createfont call. this attribute has the following values:
you must specify the cf_drawing attribute to each of the drawing characters in your embedding code. you must also specify the cf_drawing attribute to the truetype font. the user-defined drawing characters are also drawn using the font that is embedded in the logical font.
at design time, the operating system embeds the truetype font file in the logical font. the operating system then uses the logical font to create the selected font. when the user selects a font from a dialog box or the menu, the operating system selects the logical font and the selected font. when the user selects a font from a dialog box or the menu, the operating system uses the selected font.

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