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Paradigmas en Psicología de la Educación: Hernández Rojas Gerardo PDF – A Review and Analysis

Paradigmas en Psicología de la Educación: Hernández Rojas Gerardo PDF is a book that explores the different paradigms that influence the field of educational psychology. The book was written by Gerardo Hernández Rojas, a Mexican psychologist and professor who has contributed to the development and dissemination of educational psychology in Latin America.

The book aims to provide a comprehensive and critical overview of the main paradigms that have shaped the theory and practice of educational psychology, such as behaviorism, humanism, cognitivism, constructivism, and socioculturalism. The book also analyzes the implications and applications of each paradigm for the understanding and improvement of the educational phenomenon in its various dimensions.

In this article, we will summarize and evaluate the main ideas and arguments of the book, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. We will also discuss its relevance and usefulness for students and teachers of educational psychology.

Summary of the Book

The book is divided into six chapters, each one dedicated to a specific paradigm of educational psychology. The first chapter is an introduction that explains the historical and epistemological foundations of the discipline, as well as the concept and criteria of a paradigm. The following chapters are:

  • Chapter 2: The Behaviorist Paradigm: This chapter presents the origins, principles, methods, and representatives of behaviorism, a paradigm that focuses on the observable and measurable aspects of human behavior. The chapter also examines the contributions and limitations of behaviorism for educational psychology, especially in relation to learning, motivation, evaluation, and intervention.
  • Chapter 3: The Humanist Paradigm: This chapter introduces the origins, principles, methods, and representatives of humanism, a paradigm that emphasizes the subjective and holistic aspects of human experience. The chapter also explores the contributions and limitations of humanism for educational psychology, especially in relation to development, personality, creativity, values, and communication.
  • Chapter 4: The Cognitive Paradigm: This chapter describes the origins, principles, methods, and representatives of cognitivism, a paradigm that studies the mental processes and structures that underlie human behavior. The chapter also analyzes the contributions and limitations of cognitivism for educational psychology, especially in relation to memory, attention, perception, language, thinking, problem-solving, and metacognition.
  • Chapter 5: The Constructivist Paradigm: This chapter explains the origins, principles, methods, and representatives of constructivism, a paradigm that views knowledge as a personal and social construction based on experience. The chapter also evaluates the contributions and limitations of constructivism for educational psychology, especially in relation to learning, teaching, curriculum, evaluation, and intervention.
  • Chapter 6: The Sociocultural Paradigm: This chapter outlines the origins, principles, methods, and representatives of socioculturalism, a paradigm that considers culture and society as essential factors for human development and learning. The chapter also assesses the contributions and limitations of socioculturalism for educational psychology, especially in relation to context, interaction, mediation, zone of proximal development (ZPD), scaffolding,
    and collaborative learning.

Evaluation of the Book

Paradigmas en Psicología de la Educación: Hernández Rojas Gerardo PDF is a book that has several strengths and weaknesses that we will discuss in this section.


  • It provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the main paradigms of educational psychology: The book covers the most relevant and influential paradigms that have shaped the theory and practice of educational psychology, as well as their historical and epistemological backgrounds. The book also offers a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each paradigm, as well as their implications and applications for the educational phenomenon.
  • It uses clear and accessible language and examples: The book is written in a clear and accessible language that makes it easy to understand and follow. The book also uses examples and cases that illustrate the concepts and theories of each paradigm, as well as their practical relevance for education.
  • It encourages reflection and dialogue among students and teachers: The book invites the readers to reflect on their own beliefs, values, and assumptions about education, as well as to compare and contrast the different paradigms and perspectives that exist in educational psychology. The book also encourages the readers to engage in dialogue and debate with other students and teachers, as well as to seek further information and sources on the topics covered.


  • It may be outdated or incomplete in some aspects: The book was published in 1998, which means that it may not reflect the latest developments or trends in educational psychology or education in general. The book may also omit or overlook some paradigms or perspectives that have emerged or gained prominence in recent years, such as neuroscience, ecological systems theory, critical pedagogy, or postmodernism.
  • It may be biased or subjective in some aspects: The book is written from the author’s point of view, which may reflect his personal preferences, opinions, or experiences. The book may also favor or criticize some paradigms or perspectives more than others, depending on the author’s criteria or arguments. The book may also lack some references or evidence to support some of its claims or conclusions.
  • It may be too theoretical or abstract for some readers: The book is mainly focused on the theoretical and conceptual aspects of each paradigm, rather than on their practical or empirical aspects. The book may also use some technical terms or jargon that may be unfamiliar or confusing for some readers. The book may also lack some exercises or activities that could help the readers apply or test their knowledge or skills.

Relevance and Usefulness of the Book

Paradigmas en Psicología de la Educación: Hernández Rojas Gerardo PDF is a book that has a high relevance and usefulness for students and teachers of educational psychology, as well as for anyone interested in the field of education. Here are some reasons why:

  • It helps to understand the complexity and diversity of the educational phenomenon: The book shows that education is not a simple or homogeneous phenomenon, but a complex and diverse one that can be approached from different perspectives and levels of analysis. The book also shows that education is influenced by multiple factors and contexts, such as culture, society, history, politics, economy, or technology.
  • It helps to develop critical thinking and reflexivity: The book challenges the readers to question their own assumptions and prejudices about education, as well as to examine the strengths and weaknesses of their own paradigms and practices. The book also encourages the readers to consider alternative or complementary paradigms and perspectives that can enrich their understanding and action in education.
  • It helps to improve educational practice and research: The book provides the readers with useful concepts and theories that can help them explain, predict, or modify educational phenomena. The book also provides the readers with practical guidelines and suggestions that can help them design, implement, or evaluate educational interventions or programs. The book also provides the readers with methodological criteria and tools that can help them conduct or evaluate educational research.


Paradigmas en Psicología de la Educación: Hernández Rojas Gerardo PDF is a book that offers a comprehensive and critical overview of the main paradigms that have influenced the field of educational psychology. The book also analyzes the implications and applications of each paradigm for the understanding and improvement of the educational phenomenon in its various dimensions.

The book is written in a clear and accessible language, and uses examples and cases to illustrate the concepts and theories of each paradigm. The book also invites the readers to reflect and dialogue on their own beliefs, values, and assumptions about education, as well as to compare and contrast the different paradigms and perspectives that exist in educational psychology.

The book has several strengths and weaknesses that should be considered by the readers. The book provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the main paradigms of educational psychology, but it may be outdated or incomplete in some aspects. The book uses clear and accessible language and examples, but it may be biased or subjective in some aspects. The book encourages reflection and dialogue among students and teachers, but it may be too theoretical or abstract for some readers.

The book has a high relevance and usefulness for students and teachers of educational psychology, as well as for anyone interested in the field of education. The book helps to understand the complexity and diversity of the educational phenomenon, to develop critical thinking and reflexivity, and to improve educational practice and research.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading![ChingLiu][3].md


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