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Every tutorial site and book requires you to create a new document and import an image into it, and you end up running the same program over and over again. Because you can literally put that much work into creating a single file, many people like to run a batch of images through Photoshop before putting them out into the world. Often, they’ll do this on a program such as IrfanView, which allows you to batch, compress, edit, and process your images in one fell swoop. See Step 6 for a lot more on batch processing.

Adobe also now makes an online catalog of Photoshop tutorials, dubbed Creative Suite Tutorials (`www.gettutorials.com`), and a book called _Photoshop 101: The Power of Photoshop_ (Photoshop Press).

Do yourself and your friends a favor and invest in a package of Photoshop tutorials. It doesn’t hurt to get a book in your sights, either, although the online tutorials are a huge time-saver.

To get started with Photoshop and familiarize yourself with its layers and tools, check out Chapter 4.

## Getting on the Right Track

When embarking on Photoshop to retouch an image, the first thing to do is to open the original image in your graphics software and begin to examine it in more detail. Most of the time, an image has only one layer; therefore, it’s easy to simply open the image in Photoshop.

The image is quite simple — it’s a picture of an older couple taken in front of the building that they own together. The man is leaning on the glass door and gazing at the camera, while the woman is looking through the window, daydreaming about a red convertible. All is quiet in the picture.

## First Things First

Let’s get the background out of the way right off the bat. There’s no reason for you to delete the background. Chances are, the original image was not a close-up of the couple standing in front of the door of the building that they own together. Instead, the image was probably taken at a distance of about 30 to 50 feet, so that the couple in the picture is fully included in the overall image. That means that the couple in the picture is not the only thing the photograph is composed of — it contains a lot of other elements, including the building and a lot of sky. Of course, you can always create a new background for your image, but now isn’t the

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In this tutorial, we are going to learn different Photoshop actions to add blur to images in different ways. The resulting image will then get applied to the background and effects will be applied to the foreground.

The process consists of three main steps:

Adding blur effect to the image

Applying the blur effect

Removing the blurred effect

Photoshop Actions 101

Photoshop actions are special type of scripts that run inside a photoshop file. Photoshop actions can be used to automate tedious processes. You can either create your own Photoshop actions or download third party Photoshop actions.

This tutorial will teach you how to make your own Photoshop action. The final image is highly customizable and you can edit the action script to suit your personal style.

Actions can be run inside Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture, Camtasia Studio and other platforms.

Note: For this tutorial, we will be working with Photoshop CS6. If you are using another version of Photoshop, please adjust the steps accordingly.

Step 1: Select your Photoshop File

Open the file you want to create the action for. You will need to add your action on the image.

Step 2: Adding the Action Set

Go to File and choose Develop.

In Develop Mode, you’ll see a list of files and folders. Right click on the canvas and select Action Sets.

Step 3: Renaming the Name

Rename your action to something unique and descriptive.

Step 4: Creating the Action

You are now ready to start coding.

The first thing to do is to set up the action. The default name for the action is “Create Blur” so make sure to change the name.

You can also change the blend mode to make sure the effect is applied to the correct area of the image.

You can set whether or not to overwrite the file and the action will create a copy.

Step 5: Placing Your Code

Before adding the code, make sure the Photoshop window is active. Then click on the “Script” tab.

When the Script tab is selected, you will see the text editor where you can start writing your code.

Copy-Paste one action in the text editor to start your script. You will start writing your code and once you are done, you can copy-paste another script in the text editor.

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How to run «docker exec» command inside another docker container?

I am a newbie to docker and docker-compose.
The problem is, I have a Dockerfile and a docker-compose file. The Dockerfile is used for building docker container and the docker-compose.yml file is used to launch the docker container.
I have the following docker-compose.yml file
version: «2»
– «8000:8000»
image: my-django-image:latest
command: python main.py

I created the image my-django-image and tried to run a python main.py command inside it.
Now my problem is, I want to run this «command» inside my newly created docker container (my-django-image).
I am sure I have to use docker exec command, because the same docker container is launched (my-django-image).
I have read the following link but it is not clear to me how to run a python program using docker exec.
docker exec command


If your image is already based on Ubuntu, you should use the CMD instruction. See image doc for example :
CMD [«python», «main.py»]


If your command is in your image than you can run it using:

docker run –name=your_container name/your_image

docker exec -it your_container sh


docker exec your_container /path/to/your_command

docker exec your_container cat /proc/1/cmdline

but if your image doesn’t contain any command then you can’t run it like this!
but in this case the best way is to add your custom command in your Dockerfile, like this:

CMD [«/path/to/your/command», «–arg1», «arg2», «–arg3»]

more info and docker best practices can be found here:

What’s New in the?

I’ve been thinking about the whole concept of «technological literacy» lately. I think most of the people reading this blog, and other blogs like it, will be familiar with the idea. But it’s worth mentioning because I’ve seen it cropping up a lot lately, particularly in discussions about the future of work. Some good places to start:

The question is, what does this mean? What does it mean to «be a technological literate person?» The first thing to say is that this concept is so overplayed that it’s meaningless and can be taken in all sorts of different meanings. Many people already use technology to see how to see if their baby is breathing or using a pacifier in the bath. That’s not «technical literacy.» That’s «technological literacy.»

This is what I like about the «literate» idea. Literate means something more than just «able to read.» It means being aware of the tools that are available to you (a computer, a TV, a radio, a phone, a short-story collection), and knowing that you can use them in a way that is meaningful to you.

The point is that if you read an article about how automation is coming to kill nearly half of US jobs, what you really want to know is, «How is this going to affect me?» and «How will it affect my life?» My «technological literacy» is not going to help you understand if robots are going to replace your job. I’m not worried about that. My concern is that I don’t know how this is going to affect me, so I have no idea what to do about it.

This leads me to my next point. The biggest problem with the way we look at technology is the manner in which it leads to a defeatist acceptance of things as they are. The message this moment of technological progress will leave you with is that technology and automation is a bad thing. We should get rid of it. We’re going to have to get rid of it. The only way to get rid of it is to kill off the middle class, and that’s just not going to happen. We’re not getting rid of it.

The only way we’re going to fix this is to realize that this thing is not going to fix itself. As a species, we are not going to make the kinds of changes we need to make until we can internalize the fact that technology is a force that is going to lead to

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7/8
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4400 2.8GHz or better
Memory: 2GB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GTS450 or AMD HD 4670 or better
Hard Drive: 20GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Additional Notes: The game requires a regular copy of the game (included with copy of the game), or can be downloaded at no charge.
What does the new version


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