Portable Ptunnel GUI Download For Windows

Useful software for connecting to a PuTTY server. Easily connects to Ptunnel, PuTTY and SSH servers with a simple yet user-friendly interface. No installation or setup required. Ptunnel GUI works on Windows machines only.

Download Ptunnel GUI v3.15


Ptunnel GUI

Ptunnel GUI

Ptunnel GUI

A useful tool that helps users connect to SSH, Ptunnel, SFTP and other servers with just a few easy steps.
It is a Windows only tool. Ptunnel GUI is lightweight and easy to use.


Ptunnel GUI v2

Ptunnel GUI v2

Ptunnel GUI v2

Ptunnel GUI v2

A useful tool that helps users connect to SSH, Ptunnel, SFTP and other servers with just a few easy steps.
It is a Windows only tool. Ptunnel GUI is lightweight and easy to use.

published: 07 Feb 2014

Ptunnel GUI Tutorials

This is a very useful tool for beginners who wish to connect to SSH, SFTP, Ptunnel servers with just a few easy steps. This tool is light weight and comes with no installation files.
Ptunnel is a free, open-source software program that allows clients to remotely access, create and administer files on, and carry out administrative operations on remote computers in a secure manner. It works by establishing an encrypted tunnel between the client and server, and provides users with a helpful command-line shell that allows them to interact with the server and client.
This setup tutorial video shows how to download and install Ptunnel GUI from Microsoft Windows Store.
Microsoft Windows Store store page:

This video shows only the steps required for the download and install process. Addit…

Platform: Windows/OSX
Version: 2.x


Ptunnel GUI was designed as the portable twin of Ptunnel GUI, this tiny software application helps users connect to SSH or Ptunnel servers in just a few simple steps, by providing them with a graphical interface and handy settings that should meet their requirements.
Portability advantages
As there is

Portable Ptunnel GUI Crack Full Version Free Download X64 (2022)

Ptunnel GUI is designed as the portable twin of Ptunnel GUI. It helps users to connect to SSH and Ptunnel servers in just a few simple steps, by providing them with a graphical interface and handy settings that should meet their requirements.

Portability advantages
As there is no setup pack involved, you can save the program files to any part of the hard disk and just click the executable to launch the tool. There is also the possibility to save it to a USB flash drive or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any PC with minimum effort and no previous installers.

An important aspect worth taking into consideration is that the Windows registry and Start menu do not get updated with new entries, thus no traces are left behind on the disk after removing Ptunnel GUI.

An advanced SSH and Ptunnel client


Key Features

Ptunnel GUI allows users to connect to SSH or Ptunnel servers.

It includes an SSH client and a GUI-based Ptunnel manager.

The program has a user-friendly interface with straightforward options and does not require a lot of system resources.


In order to get the best out of this software, it is recommended that you have the latest version of both programs, i.e. PuTTY on a Windows computer and Ptunnel GUI.

What’s New

Ptunnel GUI version is available and is currently the latest available version. Compared to previous versions, it provides the following fixes and improvements:

Ptunnel GUI and Ptunnel run on multiple platforms.


Portable Ptunnel GUI Full Crack:

Portable Ptunnel GUI is a tool to connect to SSH and Ptunnel servers. It helps users connect to SSH or Ptunnel servers by providing them with a graphical interface and handy settings that should meet their requirements.
Portability advantages
As there is no setup pack involved, you can save the program files to any part of the hard disk and just click the executable to launch the tool. There is also the possibility to save it to a USB flash drive or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any PC with minimum effort and no previous installers.
An important aspect worth taking into consideration is that the Windows registry and Start menu do not get updated with new entries, thus no traces are left behind on the disk

Portable Ptunnel GUI Crack+ With Registration Code

This powerful lightweight application supports remote connections to the SSH and Ptunnel servers. It enables users to transfer files and use SSH and Ptunnel protocols right from their desktop.
The main aims of this small tool are to provide you with the desired user experience without having to run any downloads, no installation and no setup process, providing you with a portable, simple and intuitive application that does not clutter the system.
Main features:
* Ptunnel Connection to support the most widely used remote protocol (SSH).
* Portable, just one executable for both Windows and Linux/OS X.
* Command Line access for Linux and Mac users.
* Simple user interface
* Advanced features such as an advanced command line, auto logging, proxy support.
* Configurable settings can be modified directly in the application without any need for third-party packages.
* Free to use and Open Source software
* Minimal footprint on system resources
Command Line Version ( Linux or Mac ):
Size: 796 KB
GUI Version ( Windows ):
Size: 536 KB
* * *
Creating and sharing files
* As you might know, the SSH protocol was created with a series of well-thought security measures in order to avoid tampering of the data by man in the middle attacks. When a user connects to a remote server via SSH, the information exchange takes place in the form of encrypted key exchange and authentication procedures. These are the most vulnerable protocols that are susceptible to attacks. But SSH is a robust protocol and is perfect for making secure connections.
Ptunnel GUI, when properly configured, provides users with a reliable service that requires low effort on their side, since it is able to automatically establish secure connections.
In addition, Ptunnel GUI has the ability to share files with you, thanks to its support of FTP protocol.
You can use this tool to make sure that confidential data are not accessed by unauthorized people, providing them with a safe transmission experience. In addition to FTP protocol, you can also share files by email.
Our Ptunnel GUI works on both Windows and Linux operating systems, along with Mac.
How to install:
Ptunnel GUI works on both Linux and Windows. It is a portable application, where the Linux version is a full package, and the Windows version is a single executable for both Windows and Linux users.
For Linux users, you can just run the executable file in your terminal and follow the prompts, or you can use the graphical

What’s New in the Portable Ptunnel GUI?

PUTunnel GUI is a small, easy-to-use and very portable application that helps users connect to SSH or Ptunnel servers in a couple of clicks.

Designed as the portable twin of Ptunnel GUI, this tiny software application helps users connect to SSH or Ptunnel servers in just a few simple steps, by providing them with a graphical interface and handy settings that should meet their requirements.
Portability advantages
As there is no setup pack involved, you can save the program files to any part of the hard disk and just click the executable to launch the tool. There is also the possibility to save it to a USB flash drive or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any PC with minimum effort and no previous installers.
An important aspect worth taking into consideration is that the Windows registry and Start menu do not get updated with new entries, thus no traces are left behind on the disk after removing Ptunnel GUI.
User-friendly interface with straightforward options
The GUI is based on a normal-looking window with a classical structure. As far as configuration goes, it is possible to specify the Ptunnel server, port to listen to, password, SSH server and post, user name and password for authentication, along with the connection method (e.g. single, two-way). PuTTy modifications can also be made when it comes to the session, logging, UI elements, proxy, and so on.
Evaluation and conclusion
The tool leaves a small footprint on system performance, since it runs on low CPU and RAM. It executes commands swiftly and worked well in our tests, without triggering the operating system to hang, crash or pop up error messages. All in all, Ptunnel GUI proves to be a reliable piece of software for connecting to SSH and Ptunnel servers.
Portable Ptunnel GUI Description:
PUTunnel GUI is a small, easy-to-use and very portable application that helps users connect to SSH or Ptunnel servers in a couple of clicks.

Korekun is a tiny SSH client, which connects to SSH or Ptunnel servers via a tunnel over HTTP. It has a Web UI with very simple options. Tunneling features are implemented using the HTTP 1.0 protocol.
Portable Korekun Description:
Korekun is a small, free program that enables you to open SSH or Ptunnel servers via tunnel over HTTP.
It is fully compatible with the Ptunnel

System Requirements:

● OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32/64-bit)
● CPU: Dual-core 1GHz or better
● RAM: 2GB or more
● Graphics: DirectX 9-compatible graphics card with 1024MB of VRAM
● Hard Disk: 200MB or more
● Mouse: Standard mouse or gamepad
● DirectX: DirectX 9.0c
● Internet: Broadband internet connection
● Sound Card: DirectX 9-compatible
● Other: The Steam client must be installed


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