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Token 2.7.195

If the token_request succeeds, but the OAuth 2.0 server rejects the token_request for any reason other than an access token has already been issued to the client, a redirect_error code MUST be returned with the redirect_uri value set to "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".

An ID Token is a JSON object that contains a set of Claims and a string. The Claims provide metadata about the resource or resource owner, the resource itself, the resource owner, or the registration of the resource owner.


Claim id Type urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-types:jwt Description ID of the resource owner. Might be in the format of: xoxp-saml or xoxp-simple. See Section10.1 for details. Claim email Type urn:ietf:params:oauth:userinfo-parameters:email Description This value is the resource owner’s email address. Claim name Type urn:ietf:params:oauth:userinfo-parameters:name Description This value is the resource owner’s display name or a summary that the resource owner gave to the resource owner identifier endpoint. Claim role Type urn:ietf:params:oauth:userinfo-parameters:role Description This value is the resource owner’s role. Claim sub Type urn:ietf:params:oauth:userinfo-parameters:sub Description This value is the resource owner’s namespace (usually their domain). Claim tokenType Type urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-types:jwt Description Type of the token. Can be accessToken, idToken, refreshToken, or JWT. Claim tokenType Type urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-types:jwt Description Type of the token. Can be accessToken, idToken, refreshToken, or JWT.

JWTs contain key-value pairs that are concatenated into a JSON-formatted string that describes the ID Token as a nested JSON object.

When the Access Token is used in conjunction with a Refresh Token, the connection SHOULD be reestablished per Access Token When the Client has been given a refresh token by the resource owner, the refresh token SHOULD be used in the refresh request. The refresh_token parameter of the POST method SHOULD NOT be used when the grant_type value is the refresh_token.
The unlink and verify tokens allow the issuer to remove a token or a type of token from an issuing client without requiring that the client remove the token from use. In response to an unlink, the issuer sends an HTTP 200 status and a response body that is an opaque byte blob. The issuer then removes the token from further use by the client. The issuing client can verify the status to ensure that the token has been unlinked without further interaction with the issuer.
After registering for this token, the user is able to use this token for authenticating to the application for purposes of authorization and access to resources on behalf of the user. The authorization endpoint is a POST protected URL where the token is provided to the server for validation. On successful validation, the server will issue an authorization code for use by the application. The authorization code is an opaque token that is valid only for that one application and can be transferred to the client.
All of the command line tools use the same defaults, which should be effective for most use cases. For example, if the revocation checks are not specified, the default will be to only verify for revoked tokens and not to have any valid time constraints. For best security, it is highly recommended that you build your own policy, as the defaults can be bypassed.

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