WinError is a tiny and portable application that displays fake error notifications on the screen. It can be seen as a prank. It may look like a useless app, but it actually comes in handy whenever you want to «protect» your files from unauthorized users who might look into your private information. As installation is not a requirement, you can drop the executable file somewhere on the hard disk. Error messages will pop up with every access of the file (multiple instances are allowed). With every new instance, the title bar has a different error name, such as «Default IME» and «NvSvc, » along with names relevant to active windows. Clicking on the «Details» button brings up an additional panel with a message and «Abort,» «Retry» and «Whatever» buttons. Unfortunately, you cannot customize this text. Errors will keep popping up until you terminate WinError's process from Task Manager. Note that no real damage is done to the system. There is also the possibility to save WinError to a USB flash disk or similar storage unit to trick other people into accessing it, thinking they will find personal data (you can make the real files hidden, for instance). What is worth mentioning is the fact that WinError does not add new keys to the Windows Registry, or create extra files on the hard disk, leaving it clean after removal. The tool does not put a strain on system performance, since it runs on a very low amount of CPU and RAM. It has a good response time and, although it has not been updated for a while, it works smoothly on newer operating systems. WinError is a fun tool whenever you want to pull a prank on your friends, especially the ones who are usually nosy about your computer files.







WinError Activation Key For PC

WinError Free Download allows you to display error messages and notifications on screen. You can define the error message type, title bar (text and graphics), and the message body. WinError Full Crack is easy to use and will fool the user into thinking that his system is not stable or that some action has caused an error, making it very useful when programming. You can even display messages from the system as text with a black background and close the notification after a while. Additionally, you can enable and disable WinError Serial Key messages, select the notifications you want to display, and control the visibility of them. What’s new in this version: The main purpose of the WinError Cracked Accounts is to emulate as many real error messages as possible. So we added more and more error messages that imitate real error messages from your computer. We added a function to configure the appearance of the error notifications which are displayed as a graphic element on the screen or as text with a black background. WinError For Windows 10 Crack Features: WinError is a free program that offers: * Possibility to display an error message as a block of text or a graphic block using a black background on the screen and to display different types of messages (error, warning, information). * Possibility to configure the amount of time between a new instance of the error notification is displayed. * The possibility of specifying the delay after the notification is displayed to allow the user to close the notification before the programs are started, to have a visual effect on the screen. * Possibility to display any message of your computer using either character or graphic blocks. * Possibility to have multiple windows showing the same message or multiple instances of the same message or of multiple messages with different notification windows. * The possibility of supporting any system message, no matter what operating system it uses. * Possibility to change the size of the notification message. * Possibility to configure the position of the notification message on the screen. * The possibility of configuring multiple error notifications for each kind of file, a different message for each file. * Possibility to automatically close the error notification when you close a program. * The possibility to save the error notification configuration to a USB Flash disk. * The possibility to direct error notifications to a USB port. * The possibility to define a delay after the notification is displayed in order to allow the user to decide if the notification should be closed immediately or after a fixed period of time. * The possibility to disable error notifications. * The possibility

WinError Free [32|64bit]


WinError Crack

A simple, light weight tool that, once run, displays fake error notifications (called «heads») on the screen. It can be used to protect your data, by making it appear inaccessible to people who don’t have access to your computer and/or HDD. It can help cover up errors on your HDD, such as «Disk full», «Failed to initialize the device», «Device /dev/ does not exist», «Invalid drive», or «disk /dev/xxx is write protected». This tool can also be a useful tool for detecting infection of your computer by trojans or viruses. WinError can be used to turn annoying errors into more helpful messages, such as «Failed to open /dev/ttyS0», «Are you sure you want to edit file xxx.doc?» and «Failed to delete file xxx.dat». WinError is a free tool that does not have a high priority on system resources, and can be used for educational purposes, such as testing how well you can do without the help of Windows Explorer. This program does not run very often, because it does not always have reason to show the heads to the screen. It can be opened by double-clicking on the executable or clicking on the «Run» button, that will immediately show the heads. WinError comes in three versions: 1. Original «Lite» version, without any extra features. 2. «Pro» version, with «Save messages to file» and «Desktop» options. 3. «Full» version, with «System Tray» and «Disable Automatically» options. WinError Features: 1. Display error messages on the screen. 2. Select different «heads» for each file. 3. Different «heads» available for each file. 4. «General» heads (i.e., for the total disk space and total number of files). 5. «Current working directory» heads (i.e., for the current directory). 6. «Program files» heads (i.e., for each directory in Program Files). 7. «Temp files» heads (i.e., for each temporary file). 8. «User defined heads» (i.e., for each user folder, such as «Documents», «Pictures» and others). 9. Select «Save messages to file» or «Disable Automatically» options. 10. «Desktop» option (

What’s New in the?

WinError is a mini Windows NT application. You can use it to redirect error messages coming from the operating system, even when the user is using high level languages. Here is a full description from the author: WinError allows you to redirect and hide any error messages that appears on the screen even if you are using WinError from another PC or from a high level language. WinError is a free product that requires no installation and is available on all modern Windows Operating systems, starting with Windows 2000. All you need to do is download WinError, extract it and run the executable file. This is a very useful tool when you are programming or when you just want to pull a prank on someone. Features: Prints out any number of fake error messages, Block the error message to avoid it being displayed, Supports all error messages of Windows NT, Windows 2K, 2000, XP, Windows 7 and 8/8.1, Simple and easy to use, Secure, Powerful because of the low level of CPU/RAM it uses, Customizable, Support multi-user access. Please note that some of the old Windows operating systems won’t work on WinError, so do not download it on those machines. Requirements: WinError can be used with any modern Windows operating system but it is not compatible with Windows 9, 10 or any future Windows operating system. System support: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Windows 7/8/8.1 How To Use WinError: Click on the Start menu, click on the Run and type CMD. In the Command window that opens, type regedit, and press Enter to open the Windows Registry Editor. Navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\Error If you don’t see the key, make sure that the corresponding error message is already set on the Windows Registry Editor as a value, and not as a key, for this key (Note: WinError doesn’t add new keys). In the key’s value list, there should be a key called ErrorMessages. You will be then able to see the text that will be displayed whenever an error occurs. If you need to start the fake error messages after a reboot, use the function on the FarLeft button of the registry editor. You have to be logged in as Administrator

System Requirements For WinError:

PC: OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 Processor: Intel Core i3-6100 or AMD Phenom II X4 965 or faster Memory: 8GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7750 or Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 or better DirectX: DirectX 9.0c Network: Broadband internet connection Hard Drive: 11GB available space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Mac: Mac

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